district of Hungary

Balassagyarmat district is a district in Nógrád County. The town of 1 Balassagyarmat is covered in a separate article.



Get in

Map of Balassagyarmat district

Get around

  • 1 Csesztve (Bus from Balassagyarmat). Madách Mansion and Park Csesztve (Q648764) on Wikidata Csesztve on Wikipedia
  • 2 Horpács (bus from Rétság. - Balassagyarmat about 15 km south-west). Szontágh Mansion and Park Horpács (Q1055237) on Wikidata Horpács on Wikipedia
  • 3 Mohora (from Balassagyarmat south 10 km, trains and buses to Aszód, Balassagyarmat). Vay Zichy Palace; Mauks Mansion (Mikszath-memorial place) and the tree of Mikszath; Tolnay Klári's former house and its museum; Mohora's marsh Mohora (Q1075848) on Wikidata Mohora on Wikipedia
Romhány, Prónay Palace
  • 4 Romhány (bus from Rétság 10 km, Salgótarján and Budapest 70 km). Rákóczi memorial tree, Prónay Castle (18th century, Baroque), Stone bridge with three openings (18th century) , Roman Catholic Church (19th century, Neo-classical), Former Laszkári mansion, Turkish hazelnuts tree (a protected natural site), Turul Memorial, Romhányi battle monument. Passed by the Countrywide Blue Tour Romhány (Q339421) on Wikidata Romhány on Wikipedia
  • 5 Szente (bus from Rétság). Doll Exhibition, 13th century in the Roman Catholic Church (13th century), Palóc houses Szente (Q1089241) on Wikidata Szente on Wikipedia
  • 6 Szanda (Zunda) (bus from Balassagyarmat). Castle of Szanda ruins, Castle Hill, Palóc houses, Country House, Mary's Chapel Szanda (Q1073846) on Wikidata Szanda on Wikipedia
  • 7 Tereske (Bus from Balassagyarmat, Vác). Catholic church (Gothic). Tereske (Q432186) on Wikidata Tereske on Wikipedia





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