Hévíz is a spa town in the Lake Balaton region of Hungary, about 8 km (5.0 mi) from Keszthely.
editThe town is located near Lake Hévíz, the world’s second-largest thermal lake, but biologically the biggest active natural lake. Its temperature is affected by the combination of hot and cold spring waters, coming from 38 m (125 ft) underground. The water breaks out from a spring cave, at approximately 410 liters per second, with a temperature of 40 °C (104 °F). The biological stability of the lake is shown by the temperature of the water, which has not changed for years, and even on the coldest winter days doesn’t drop below 24 °C (75 °F). That makes bathing possible in the lake year round. In the summer, the water temperature can reach 37 °C (99 °F).
The lake's healing properties have been well known for centuries people lived here even at the end of the Stone Age. The foundation of bath culture was laid by the Romans in the 2nd century. According to an ancient legend, the Holy Virgin wrung a spring by the appealing prayer of a Christian nurse. The nurse wanted to heal an invalid child. The hot water of the lake breaking out from the depth and the steaming mud cured the weak child completely. The legend stems from the Roman age and the mentioned child was definitely the East Roman emperor Flavius Theodosius who declared Christianity to the official religion in his own empire in 391. That is the wrung spring that feeds the worldwide particular lake of Hévíz from that time.
Egregy is part of Hévíz. It gives a real village atmosphere. The beautiful Roman-style Church of Egregy was built in the 13th century, during the rule of Árpád. Behind the church are the picturesque vineyards where one can taste the delicious local wines, for example the „Egregyi Grinzing”. There are cosy restaurants where local delicacies are offered in a homey atmosphere. Each year Egregy celebrates its grape harvest, this is a time for eating, drinking and having a lot of fun.
- 1 Tourinform Hévíz, Rákóczi utca 2, ☏ +36 83 540-131, heviz@tourinform.hu. M–F 09:00–17:00, Sa–Su 10:00–15:00. Tourist information.
Get in
editBy train
editBy bus
editDirect buses from Budapest-Népliget are available six times a day. The journey takes 2.5 hours and costs 3705 Ft. More frequent buses are available from Keszthely. The journey takes about 15 minutes and costs 250 Ft.
1 Hévíz Bus Station, ☏ +36 83 342-864, info@volanbusz.hu. Ticket office: M–F 08:00–16:00, Sa Su 08:30–15:30.
Get around
editFirst of all on foot and by cycle. There is no local public transport service. You can use the regional buses operated by Volánbusz.
By taxi
editBy bike
edit- HeBi, ☏ +36 30 791-1232, info@hevizbike.hu. Public bike rental system.
edit- 1 Berki Trail (Berki sétaút). The Trail covers Lake Hévíz and the surrounding moor as well as its flora and fauna.
- 2 Egregy Museum (Egregyi Múzeum), Zrínyi utca 130, ☏ +36 30 225-6940, program@hevizgaleria.hu. M–Sa 08:00–16:00. Local history exhibition (6000 BC to Middle Age). Adult: 500 Ft; senior, student: 200 Ft.
- 3 Hévíz Downtown Museum (Belvárosi Múzeum), Rákóczi utca 9, ☏ +36 83 343-419, muzeum@hevizgaleria.hu. M–Sa 09:00–17:00. Local history and balneology exhibition.
- 4 Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Church (Szentlélek római katolikus templom), Széchenyi utca 33. Built in 1999. It has seven towers.
- 5 Mary Magdalene Roman Catholic Church (Szent Magdolna római katolikus templom), Dombföldi utca. The Árpád-age church is one of the three intact Árpád-era churches in the Balaton Uplands, it is also mentioned as Hévíz's pearl. The church was built in the 13th century. The first mentioned in written records in 1314.
- 6 Roman Ruins Garden (Villa Rustica, Római kori romkert), Attila utca. Remains of the Roman villa from the early imperial times. Free to visit.
- 7 Tomb of the Roman Soldier (Római katona sírja), Dombföldi utca.
Further afield
editIn Alsópáhok:
- 8 Exaltation of the Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church (Szent Kereszt felmagasztalása római katolikus templom), Fő utca 120, Alsópáhok. Built in 1778 in Baroque style.
In Zalaapáti:
- 9 Saint Adrian Roman Catholic Church and Benedictine Monastery (Szent Adorján római katolikus templom és Bencés rendház), Deák Ferenc utca, Zalaapáti. Built in 1781 in Baroque style.
In Zalacsány:
- 10 Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church (Szeplőtelen Fogantatás római katolikus templom), Csány László utca 1, Zalacsány. Built in 1749 in Baroque style.
- 11 Tersztyánszky Mansion (Tersztyánszky-kúria), Arany János utca 3, Zalacsány. Built in the beginning of 19th century in Classicist style.
In Zalavár:
- 12 Historical Memorial Park Zalavár (Zalavári Történelmi Emlékpark), Vársziget, Zalavár, ☏ +36 92 500-719, laki.tamas@zalamegye.hu. Mar 31–Oct 30 Tu–Su 10:00–18:00. Archaeological site and memorial park. Major ruins: Martyr Adrian’s church as a destination of pilgrimage (built around A.D. 855), Parish church / King Saint Stephen’s chapel (built in second half of the 11th century), bulwark of the monastery dating to the Árpádian Age (built at end of the 11th century). Major memorials: Cyril and Methodius Monument, Millennial Monument (built by Imre Makovecz in 2009). Free entrance.
- 13 Kis-Balaton House (Kis-Balaton Ház), Vársziget, Zalavár, ☏ +36 83 710-002, kum.titkarsag@nyuduvizig.hu. Mar 15–Oct 31 Tu–Su 09:00–12:00 13:00–18:00, Nov 1–Nov 15 Tu–Su 09:00–12:00 13:00–17:00. Exhibition about the natural assets of Kis-Balaton. Adult: 750 Ft; senior, student: 450 Ft.
- 14 Ruins of Basilica (Bazilika romjai), Récéskút, Zalavár. Built in the 11th century in Romanesque style. Free to visit.
- 1 Hévíz Medicinal Spa (Hévízgyógyfürdő), Dr. Schulhof Vilmos sétány 1, ☏ +36 83 501-700, fax: +36 83 540-144, info@spaheviz.hu. 09:00–17:30. World’s second-largest natural thermal lake. 3 hours ticket: 3000 Ft, 4 hours ticket: 3700 Ft, daily ticket: 5200 Ft, senior ticket (3 hours): 2500 Ft, children ticket (3 hours): 1600 Ft, student ticket (3 hours) 2600 Ft.
- 2 Fontana Cinema (Fontana Mozi), Rákóczi utca 9, ☏ +36 83 343-351, info@mozifontana.axelero.net. 14:00–22:00. 1000 Ft.
- 3 Lovas Guesthouse, Lótuszvirág utca 3, ☏ +36 30 560-1332, lovardaheviz@gmail.com. Apr–Oct. Horse riding: 5000 Ft, horse training: 3500 Ft, double room: 16,000 Ft.
- 4 Sheltering Forest (Véderdő). Park around the lake.
- 5 Adventure Park Zalacsány (Zalacsányi Kalandpark), Zalacsány, ☏ +36 30 937-4640, ambrusszilard@citromail.hu. Dragon fly, gokart, quad, archery, fly with hot air balloon.
- 6 Fishing Lake Zalacsány (Zalacsányi Horgásztó), Zalacsány, ☏ +36 30 945-4432. 08:00–19:00. Artificial lake with fishing possibilities. Wooden house for two persons: 9000 Ft.
- 7 Zala Springs Golf Resort, Csányi László utca, Zalacsány, ☏ +36 83 900-047, info@zalasprings.hu. Single room: 24,900 Ft, double room: 29,880 Ft.
edit- Carnival Fair (Farsangi Forgatag). In February.
- Happy Peace Times in Hévíz (Boldog Békeidők Hévíze). In May.
- Flavius Day (Flavius-nap). In May.
- Angels and Thieves Art Festival (Angyalok és Csavargók Összművészeti Fesztivál). In June.
- Farewell of Egregy (Egregyi Búcsú). In July.
- Wine Festival of Hévíz (Hévízi Borünnep). In August.
edit- 1 Coop ABC, Petőfi Sándor utca 14, ☏ +36 83 515-658. 08:00–18:00.
- 2 Coop ABC, Szent András utca 1, ☏ +36 83 340-067. M–F 06:30–18:00, Sa 06:30–15:00.
- 3 Flavius Üzletház, Nagyparkoló tér 1, ☏ +36 83 340-104. M–Sa 08:00–20:00, Su 10:00–18:00. Supermarket.
- 4 Small Farmer's Market in Hévíz (Hèvízi termelői piac), benko-lajos@freemail.hu. Mar 27–Dec 31: Tu 07:00–13:00, Th 12:00–18:00, Sa 07:00–13:00, Jan 1–Mar 26: Th 13:00–18:00, Sa 08:00–13:00.
- 5 Spar, Hévizi utca 18, Alsópáhok, ☏ +36 20 823-7960, info@spar.hu. M–F 06:30–20:00, Sa–Su 06:30–18:00. Supermarket.
editThis page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink: | |
Budget | Under 2300 Ft |
Mid-range | 2300 Ft–2700 Ft |
Splurge | Over 2700 Ft |
In Hévíz:
- 1 Corner Grill, Kölcsey Ferenc utca 4/C/1, ☏ +36 83 380-647. 10:00–21:00. Pizzeria and fast food bar. 1590 Ft, pizza: 1590 Ft, hamburger: 1090 Ft.
- 2 Erika Restaurant, Kodály Zoltán utca 30, ☏ +36 30 316-7283, erikatakacs@fibermail.hu. May–Sep: 12:00–14:30 17:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant. 1690 Ft.
- 3 Faló Büfé, Nagyparkoló tér 6, langosheviz@gmail.com. Mar–Oct: 11:00–17:00. Food bar with lángos and pancake. Lángos: 650 Ft.
- 4 Lacikonyha, Kölcsey Ferenc utca 4, ☏ +36 83 340-787, nyullaszlo@vipmail.hu. 11:00–20:00. Food bar with local cuisine. 1890 Ft, lunch menu: 1090 Ft.
- 5 Old Smokey Burger, Tavirózsa utca 16, ☏ +36 70 434-3435. 10:00–22:00. Fast food bar. 1550 Ft, hamburger: 850 Ft.
- 6 Parasztudvar Büfé, Nagyparkoló tér 3, ☏ +36 83 340-399, parasztudvar@etteremheviz.hu. 08:00–22:00. Food bar. 1290 Ft.
- 7 Tavirózsa Restaurant, Tavirózsa utca 4, ☏ +36 83 340-549. 11:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. Lunch menu: 1390 Ft.
In the surroundings:
- 8 Castello Pizzeria, Dózsa György utca 317, Sármellék, ☏ +36 30 964-8386, castellopizzasarmellek@gmail.com. Tu–Th 11:00–20:00, F–Sa 11:00–21:00. Pizzeria with a few traditional food. 1400 Ft, pizza: 1100 Ft, hamburger: 600 Ft.
- 9 Piros 7-es, Dózsa György utca 316, Sármellék, ☏ +36 30 829-9711. M–Th Su 06:00–20:00, F–Sa 06:00–21:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 1200 Ft, pizza: 1100 Ft, hamburger: 600 Ft, lunch menu: 900 Ft.
- 10 Rózsa Büfé, Vasút utca 34, Zalacsány. M W–Su 12:00–15:00 17:00–20:00. Traditional restaurant. 1500 Ft.
- 11 Sziklakert Restaurant, Dózsa György utca 65, Alsópáhok, ☏ +36 83 555-800, sziklakert.etterem@gmail.com. 11:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 1890 Ft, pizza: 1590 Ft.
editIn Hévíz:
- 12 Annabella Restaurant and Pizzeria, Tavirózsa utca 12, ☏ +36 83 340-888, azur.lakastextil@gmail.com. 11:30–21:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria with local cuisine. 2090 Ft, pizza: 1690 Ft, lunch menu: 1190 Ft.
- 13 Árpád Pub (Árpád Borozó), Egregyi szőlőhegy 59, ☏ +36 30 313-9620, arpadborozoheviz@freemail.hu. M–Sa 09:00–17:00, Su 12:00–21:00. Traditional restaurant and wine house. 2150 Ft.
- 14 Gizi Néni Csárdája, Katona József utca 3, ☏ +36 20 994-4365, otizharmonia@gmail.com. Mar–Nov 12:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2190 Ft.
- 15 Gusto Bistro Cafe and Bar, Tavirózsa utca 6, ☏ +36 30 203-3596, info@hungaryservice.hu. Apr–Oct: M–Th Su 10:00–22:00, F–Sa 10:00–23:00. Bistro with local and Russian cuisine.
- 16 Magyar Csárda, Tavirózsa utca 2-4, ☏ +36 83 343-271, magyarcsarda@t-online.hu. 11:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 1990 Ft.
- 17 Papa's and Mama's Restaurant, Petőfi Sándor utca 16, ☏ +36 30 989-0948, radoczizsolt@freemail.hu. 11:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2200 Ft, lunch menu: 990 Ft.
- 18 Siesta Restaurant, Tavirózsa utca 22. M–Sa 10:00–23:00. Traditional restaurant.
- 19 St. Hubertus Restaurant, Móricz Zsigmond utca 8, ☏ +36 83 340-502, st.hubertusheviz@freemail.hu. Tu–Su 11:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine.
- 20 Teri Mama's Restaurant (Teri Mama Vendéglője), Zrínyi utca 147, ☏ +36 20 922-8186, apatitamas@gmail.com. M W–Su 12:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2150 Ft.
In the surroundings:
- 21 Az Én Anyósom, Hévízi utca 13, Alsópáhok, ☏ +36 83 344-232, azenanyosom@azenanyosom.eu. Self-service: 12:00–17:00; A'la carte: 12:00–22:00. Self-service and traditional restaurant with local cuisine. Self-service: 1150 Ft, A'la carte: 2390 Ft.
- 22 Vadászcsárda, Arany János utca 1, Zalacsány, ☏ +36 83 336-009, info@vadaszcsarda.hu. 10:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine and specialties like wild goulash and dödölle. 1990 Ft.
In Hévíz:
- 23 Hofbräu Pub (Hofbräu Söröző), Nagyparkoló tér 9, ☏ +36 83 342-317, hbvendeglo@etteremheviz.hu. Apr–Oct 08:00–23:30, Nov–Mar 09:00–21:00. Traditional restaurant and pub with local cuisine. 2490 Ft.
- 24 Kerék Csárda, Zrínyi utca, ☏ +36 30 658-6739, momo971@freemail.hu. Apr–Oct: M–F Su 14:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant. 2600 Ft.
- 25 Kocsi Csárda, Nagyparkoló tér 18, ☏ +36 83 341-026, hevizkocsicsarda@gmail.com. 10:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria with local cuisine. 2550 Ft, lunch menu: 1580 Ft.
- 26 La Montanara Ristorante, Szent András utca 2, ☏ +36 83 343-150, lamontanara@freemail.hu. 12:00–21:30. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria with Italian cuisine. 2410 Ft, pizza: 1990 Ft.
- 27 L'Hostaria, Egregyi szőlőhegy 4, ☏ +36 70 214-7010, hostariahu@gmail.com. W–Su 14:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant. 3000 Ft.
- 28 Liget Restaurant and Pizzeria, Petöfi Sándor utca 7, ☏ +36 20 373-6979, ligetheviz@gmail.com. 11:00–21:30. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria with local and international cuisine. 2390 Ft, pizza: 1490 Ft, lunch menu: 1190 Ft.
- 29 Muskátli Restaurant, Széchenyi utca 28, ☏ +36 30 891-3574. 10:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant. 2750 Ft.
- 30 Öreg Harang Pub (Öreg Harang Borozó), Egregyi szőlőhegy, ☏ +36 30 927-9011, gabca32@gmail.com. Apr–Oct: 15:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant and wine house with local cuisine. 2390 Ft.
- 31 Panoráma Pub (Panoráma Borozó), Egregyi szőlőhegy 22, ☏ +36 70 639-0501. Apr–Oct: M Tu Th–Su 11:00–21:00. Traditional restaurant and wine house. 2400 Ft.
- 32 Római Pince, Egregyi szőlőhegy, ☏ +36 83 340-593, info@romaipince-heviz.hu. Tu–Su 12:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2990 Ft.
- 33 Rózsakert Restaurant, Rákóczi utca 17, ☏ +36 83 950-469, rozsakertetteremheviz@gmail.com. 10:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant. with local cuisine. 2990 Ft.
In the surroundings:
- 34 Farm Inn, Örvényeshegy 20, Zalacsány, ☏ +36 70 348-0948, info@farminn.hu. Apr–Nov: F 17:00–22:00, Sa 12:00–22:00, Su 12:00–20:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2890 Ft.
edit- 1 Cafe Relax, Széchenyi utca 2, ☏ +36 30 947-8999, info@cafe-relax.hu. 08:00–18:00.
- 2 Corso Cafe, Rákóczi utca 5, ☏ +36 70 953-3516. 09:00–18:00.
- 3 Eiscaffe Cappucino, Kölcsey Ferenc utca 4. 09:00–22:00.
- 4 Komáromy Bakery, Honvéd utca 4, ☏ +36 30 846-3046, info@komaromypekseg.hu. M–F 06:30–17:00, Sa 06:30–13:00.
- 5 Macchiato Caffe and Lounge, Széchenyi utca 7, ☏ +36 30 969-4076, info@macchiato.hu. 08:00–23:00.
- 6 Nagyi Vintage Kuckója, Zrínyi Miklós utca 2, ☏ +36 70 355-5006. 10:00–20:00.
- 7 Puszedli Cafe, Kölcsey Ferenc utca 6, ☏ +36 20 965-5711. Tu–Sa 08:00–17:00, Su 08:00–16:00.
- 8 Sarok Cafe, Park utca 8, ☏ +36 30 639-7313, npattila@freemail.hu. M–Sa 11:00–23:00.
- 9 Sissy Cafe and Ice Cream Shop, Deák Ferenc tér, ☏ +36 30 293-6679. 10:00–18:00.
- 10 Vén Bakter Borozó, Erzsébet királyné utca 9, ☏ +36 70 335-5678. 09:00–21:00.
editThis guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: | |
Budget | Under 15,000 Ft |
Mid-range | 15,000 Ft–35,000 Ft |
Splurge | Over 35,000 Ft |
Visitors can choose from lot kind of accommodation opportunities. According to the different demands there are 25–30 hotels, 25–30 guesthouses, 100–120 private accommodations and one camping place.
In Hévíz:
- 1 Aal Guesthouse, Attila utca 68, ☏ +36 83 341-844, fax: +36 83 341-844, lajko65@gmail.com. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Double room: 9000 Ft.
- 2 Castrum Camping and Guesthouse, Tópart, ☏ +36 83 343-198, fax: +36 83 540-263, heviz@castrum.eu. Mar–Nov. Single room: 8000 Ft, double room: 13,000 Ft.
- 3 Erika Apartments, Bartók Béla utca 2-4, ☏ +36 83 342-012, erika@heviziapartman.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Single room: 6500 Ft, double room: 10,000 Ft.
- 4 Family Szabó Guesthouse, Attila utca 22, ☏ +36 83 341-826, info@familiaszabo.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Double room: 9240 Ft.
- 5 Flóra Villa, Dr. Babócsay utca 68, ☏ +36 30 353-6808, info@floravilla.hu. Double room: 8700 Ft.
- 6 Hotel Alba, Petőfi Sándor utca 18, ☏ +36 70 454-1959, hevizhotelalba@gmail.com. Single room: 7280 Ft, double room: 10,400 Ft.
In the surroundings:
- 7 Bíró Guesthouse, Dózsa György utca 366, Sármellék, ☏ +36 20 465-7429, bzs.sarmellek@gmail.com. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Single room: 5000 Ft, double room: 7000 Ft.
- 8 Club Erdei Villapark, Csány László utca 24, Zalacsány, ☏ +36 70 6366-418, info@cluberdeivillapark.hu. Apartment for two persons: 14,000 Ft.
- 9 Vadász Guesthouse, Ady Endre utca 22, Zalacsány, ☏ +36 83 336-312, info@vadaszcsardapanzio.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Single room: 7900 Ft, double room: 9900 Ft.
- 10 Zöld Elefánt Restaurant and Guesthouse, Kossuth Lajos utca 12, Zalaapáti, ☏ +36 83 552-018, fax: +36 83 352-097, info@zoldelefant.com. Restaurant: Tu–Th Su 11:00–21:00, F–Sa 11:00–22:00. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. Single room: 7500 Ft, double room: 11,000 Ft, average meal: 2190 Ft.
In Hévíz:
- 11 Ágnes Hotel, Honvéd utca 7, ☏ +36 83 340-450, fax: +36 83 340-450, sales@agneshotel.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Double room: 30,900 Ft.
- 12 Aurora Guesthouse, Széchenyi utca 3, ☏ +36 83 950-781, info@auroravendeghaz.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Single room: 15,900 Ft, double room: 18,900 Ft.
- 13 Hotel Aquamarin, Honvéd utca 14, ☏ +36 83 545-960, sales@hotelaquamarin.hu. Single room: 22,700 Ft, double room: 30,300 Ft.
- 14 Hotel Erzsébet, Erzsébet királyné útja 13-15, ☏ +36 83 342-035, fax: +36 83 342-040, reservation@erzsebethotelheviz.hu. Single room: 18,000 Ft, double room: 27,800 Ft.
- 15 Hotel Fit, Kossuth Lajos utca 76, ☏ +36 30 153 7378, info@hotelfitheviz.hu. Single room: 15,400 Ft, double room: 22,000 Ft.
- 16 Hotel Kalma, Rákóczi utca 12-14, ☏ +36 83 545-910, info@hotelkalma.hu. Gyöngyvirág Restaurant and Cafe: 09:00–22:00. Single room: 16,150 Ft, double room: 25,500 Ft.
- 17 Hotel Majerik, Kölcsey Ferenc utca 6, ☏ +36 83 341-178, info@majerikhotel.hu. Single room: 10,400 Ft, double room: 20,800 Ft.
- 18 Hotel Napsugár, Tavirózsa utca 3, ☏ +36 83 340-472, info@napsugarhotelheviz.hu. Single room: 10,800 Ft, double room: 18,600 Ft.
- 19 Hotel Sante, Nyírfa utca 1, ☏ +36 83 540 133, fax: +36 83 540-134, info@hotelsante.eu. Single room: 12,500 Ft, double room: 19,900 Ft.
- 20 Hotel Zena, Széchenyi utca 6, ☏ +36 83 542-300, fax: +36 83 542-309, zena@zenabeauty.hu. Single room: 27,500 Ft, double room: 30,600 Ft.
- 21 Park Hotel, Petőfi Sándor utca 26, ☏ +36 83 341-190, fax: +36 83 341-193, info@parkhotelheviz.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Single room: 15,000 Ft, double room: 26,000 Ft.
In Hévíz:
- 22 Bonvital Wellness and Gastro Hotel, Rákóczi utca 16-18, ☏ +36 83 900-120, info@bonvital.hu. Brix Bistro: 10:00–22:00. Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 11:00. Singe room: 32,800 Ft, double room: 41,000 Ft, average meal: 2490 Ft.
- 23 Danubius Health Spa Resort Aqua, Kossuth Lajos utca 13-15, ☏ +36 83 889-500, aqua.reservation@danubiushotels.com. Single room: 35,100 Ft, double room: 51,500 Ft.
- 24 Danubius Health Spa Resort Hévíz, Kossuth Lajos utca 9-11, ☏ +36 83 889-400, heviz.reservation@danubiushotels.com. Single room: 35,100 Ft, double room: 51,500 Ft.
- 25 Holiday Club Apartman Hotel, Vajda Ákos utca 3, ☏ +36 83 340-620, recepcio@holidayclubheviz.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Single room: 39,150 Ft, double room: 43,500 Ft.
- 26 Hotel Európa Fit, Jókai utca 3, ☏ +36 83 501-100, sales@europafit.hu. Single room: 34,350 Ft, double room: 55,900 Ft.
- 27 Hotel Palace, Rákóczi utca 1-3, ☏ +36 83 542-140, fax: +36 83 542-141, reception@palacehotelheviz.hu. Single room: 48,900 Ft, double room: 57,900 Ft.
- 28 Hotel Spa Hévíz, Dr. Schulhof Vilmos sétány 1, ☏ +36 83 501-708, hotel@spaheviz.hu. Single room: 33,000 Ft, double room: 40,400 Ft.
- 29 Hunguest Hotel Helios, Vörösmarty Mihály utca 91, ☏ +36 83 342-895, fax: +36 83 340-525, hotelhelios@hunguesthotels.com. Single room: 32,200 Ft, double room: 43,000 Ft.
- 30 Hunguest Hotel Panoráma, Petőfi Sándor utca 9, ☏ +36 83 341-074, fax: +36 83 340-525, hotelpanorama@hunguesthotels.com. Single room: 24,580 Ft, double room: 39,960 Ft.
- 31 Korona Guesthouse and Restaurant, Széchenyi utca 43, ☏ +36 83 540-180, fax: +36 83 540-181, korona@hevizpanzio.hu. Restaurant: 10:00–22:00. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. Single room: 31,841 Ft, double room: 41,393 Ft, average meal: 2800 Ft.
- 32 NaturMed Hotel Carbona, Attila utca 1, ☏ +36 83 884-007, hotel@carbona.hu. Single room: 39,500 Ft, double room: 61,600 Ft.
- 33 Lotus Therme Hotel and Spa, Lótuszvirág utca 1, ☏ +36 83 500-500, info@lotustherme.net. 34,200 Ft, double room: 56,620 Ft.
In the surroundings:
- 34 Batthyány Castle Hotel (Batthyány Kastélyszálló), Csány László utca 24, Zalacsány, ☏ +36 83 537-002, fax: +36 83 537-001, info@wellnesskastely.hu. Single room: 35,090 Ft, double room: 57,090 Ft.
- 35 Kolping Hotel, Fő utca 120, Alsópáhok, ☏ +36 83 344-143, sales@kolping.hotel.hu. Single room: 42,100 Ft, double room: 56,700 Ft.
editHévíz's postal code is H-8380, and its telephone area code is 83.
- 2 Town's Library (Városi Könyvtár), Rákóczi utca 17-19, ☏ +36 83 343-102. M 12:00–16:00, Th–F 09:00–17:00, Sa 09:00–13:00. Internet usage: 130 Ft per hour.
- 3 Hévíz Post Office, Kossuth Lajos utca 4, ☏ +36 83 542-268, ugyfelszolgalat@posta.hu. M–F 08:00–16:00.
Go next
edit- Gyenesdiás – resort village at Lake Balaton 9 km (5.6 mi) east
- Keszthely – town with historical downtown 7 km (4.3 mi) east
- Pacsa – small town 21 km (13 mi) southwest
- Sümeg – town with castle 25 km (16 mi) north
- Vonyarcvashegy – resort village at Lake Balaton 12 km (7.5 mi) east
- Zalakaros – town with famous thermal spa 32 km (20 mi) south
- Zalaszentgrót – town with thermal bath 24 km (15 mi) northwest