Sasak (known natively as Sasaq or Saqsaq) is a language spoken predominantly by the Sasak people, native to the Indonesian island of Lombok. This language belongs to the Bali—Sasak—Sumbawa language family.
Pronunciation guide
editCommon diphthongs
editPhrase list
editSome phrases in this phrasebook still need to be translated. If you know anything about this language, you can help by plunging forward and translating a phrase.
edit- Hello.
- Halo
- Hello.
- Halo (informal)
- How are you?
- Berembe kabar (berembay kabar)
- Fine, thank you.
- Baik / Solah (so la)
- What is your name?
- Sae aranm side (Si aram si-de)
- My name is ______ .
- Aranka ku (aran-ka ku)
- Nice to meet you.
- Demen bedait (demen be da eet )
- Please.
- Tolong ( )
- Thank you.
- Tampiasih (Tampi Asih)
- You're welcome.
- Pade-pade (pa da - pa da )
- Yes.
- aok (ow) / Inggeh (ing gayh)
- No.
- en'dek
- Nothing
- Ndarak (en'dek ara)
- Excuse me. (getting attention)
- . ( )
- Excuse me. (begging pardon)
- Tabe (ta bay)
- I'm sorry.
- maaf (ma af)
- Goodbye
- . ( )
- Goodbye (informal)
- . ( )
- How do I say
- Apa eak uninikh (api i-ak u-nin-kah)
- I can't speak Sasak [well].
- [ ]. ( [ ])
- Do you speak English?
- ? ( ?)
- Is there someone here who speaks English?
- ? ( ?)
- Help!
- ! ( !)
- Look out!
- ! ( !)
- Dangerous!
- Anuk ngengakok (anung ngu-nga-kok)
- Good morning.
- . ( )
- Good evening.
- . ( )
- Good night.
- . ( )
- Good night (to sleep)
- . ( )
- I don't understand.
- . ( )
- Where is the toilet?
- ? ( ?)
- What?
- Ape (Apu)
- What is today's date (day)?
- Jelo ape nani? (ju-lo ape na-ni)
- What are you doing?
- Ape gaurm nani (Apu Ga'wem nani)
- What is your name?
- Ai are'm
- What would you like?
- M'pa lagi
- Where are you going?
- M'be yak'm lai
- Where is --- ?
- Embe eak lainm (Em-be Ah ak lai in m)
- Where is the toilet?
- Embe taok wc (Em-be ta-ohk way-say)
- Where is the beach?
- Embe taok pantai (Embe ta-ok pan-te)
- Where do you work?
- Ape pegawean side (Apu pugawayan si-du)
- Who are you there with?
- Sai kancen te nani (Sai kan-chun tu nani)
- How are you?
- Berembeh Kabar? (be-dem-be ka-bar)
- How do I say?
- apc eak uninikh (apu e-ak uninkah)
- How are you feeling?
- Berembe kaadaanm? (be-rem-be ka'a-da'anm)
- How old are you?
- Pire umut side (pir-e umur si-de)
- How much is this?
- Pire ajian (pir-e ajin)
- Do you have a cigarette?
- Arak ngo dotim (Arak Ngu-Dut-em)
- Do you want a cigarette?
- Eakim ngodot (E'a-Am Nu-Dut)
- Do you want to eat?
- Meletim magan (Mele-Tum Mangan)
- Do you want to drink?
- Meletim Ngenam (Mele-Tum Ngenam)
- Do you want to go swimming?
- Eakim kapung side (apu pug-awayan si-du)
- Why do you not want to drink?
- Kembeim endek melet nginam (Kembe-im ndek melet ngenam)
- Why will you not shower?
- Kembekim endek daus? (dumbik'em ndek daus)
- Are you sure?
- Pacunim (Pachu Num)
- I'm hungry.
- Ke lapahikh (Ke-Lapah-Kah)
- I'm sick
- jekeng sakit (ja-kung saket)
- I'm sorry
- Maaf bae (Ma'af ba'e)
- I want the shortest road
- Melekh jalan sak empah (Me-len-kah Ja-lan Sa Em-pah)
- I don't want to buy
- Endek keak beli (Ndek ke-ak be-li)
- Because I'm shy
- Endekikh Semel(ndek-kah samal)
- My name is
- Aranka ku
- Nice to meet you
- Demen bedait dait side (du-mon bu-da-it da-it si-de)
- No good
- Endek solah (ndek sol-ah)
- Very Expensive
- wah kemahalin (wa ke mahal)
- Of Course
- Jelas sih! (ju-las si)
- Better than nothing
- Dait eak edak (Di-et eak edak)
edit0 nol 1 sket 2 dua 3 telu 4 empat 5 limu 6 enem (nam) 7 pituk 8 baluk 9 siwak 10 sepulu 11 Solas 12 Duolas 13 Teluolas 14 empatolas 15 Limaolas 16 enamolas 17 pitukolas 18 baluolas 19 siwaolas 20 Duepulu
21 selikur 22 duelikur 23 telulikur 24 empatlikur 25 limalikur 26 enamlikur 27 pituklikur 28 baluklikur 29 siwaklikur
30 telungdase 32 telungdase due
40 petangdase
50 Sekat
60 enampulu
70 pitukpulu
80 balukpulu
90 siwakbulu
100 satus
editClock time
editWriting time and date
editBus and train
editMoney - Kepeng
edit3 eggs - telu telur
banana - puntiq
no problem - ndek kembe kembe
I - aku, tiang, saya
You - side
Father - amaq
Mother - inaq
Going out - lalo
to - jok
eat - mangan
breakfast - nge-lor
water - aiq
drink - ngi-nem
Go out(from house) - su-gul
House - BaLe
Kiss - Kitcupkow
Arms - Imung
Hair - Bulu
Head - Ulu
Ear - Kunto
Eyes - Matu
Nose - Erwng
Lips - Biwi
Cheek - Saket
Back - Bucock
Legs - Nailampa
Pants - Selanu
Shirt - Galambi
Candle/Lamp - Dila
Glass - jaju kakan
Sarung - Landongkai