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Taikhar Rock is the most unique natural monument and green grassland combined zone in central west Mongolia. Taikhar Chuluu which translates to "Taikhar Rock," is not only a natural wonder but also a cultural and historical landmark. Taikhar Rock is located 22 kilometres (14 miles) northeast from Tsetserleg, in the village of Ikh Tamir, south the Khoid Tamir River It’s a big 20-metres (66 feet) high granite rock, covered with 150 writings in many different languages and dating back from many different periods (runic, Sogd, Uyghur, Mongolian, Nangiad, Tibetan writings). Unfortunately, there are many graffiti on this rock and the old writings almost disappeared. The most famous legend bound to Taikhar rock tells that Bukhbilegt, a giant warrior, threw this rock on a snake that was coming out from the land, which explains its strange presence in this place.

Get in


By car from Ulaanbaatar city go to Ikh tamir in Arkhangai province to the west and by 510 km to go to the west and will reach Taikhar Rock.The car ride will take 8-9 hours.

There are many casual sports games are organized by camps. Also horse riding and yak riding can be bought by hours rates that ranges from 10,000 to 15000 tögrög per hour. And you can shoot archery.

Nearby tour camps small stands sell souvenirs and dairy products that produced by locals.

Tour camps offer various local and European dishes ,also A traditional Mongolian meal and other unique products.


  • Tungalag tamir tour camp, +976,88084716
  • Taikhar tour camp, +976 99004060 ,
  • Bringing your own tent and sleeping almost anywhere in the area is possible.

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