
Hmmm... another naming quandary. Looks like the initial page author transposed the "kh" to "hk" -- transliterating the Russian letter "x". Bachchisaraj (from Russian Бахчисарай) would be the correct ISO transliteration; I would generally transliterate it Bakhchisaraj. BUT in English it is generally written as "Bakhchisarai" or "Bakhchisaray" (the latter being more archaic but also apparently more prevalent, as a google search returned twice as many results for the "y" as the "i". I leave it to you to decide whether to move the page. It's not confusing as it is, unless someone was going to try to transliterate back to the Russian. (WT-en) Rachelfleet 17:14, 7 Jan 2006 (EST)

It will only become really confusing if two (or more) articles get written about the same place. What you could do is Project:plunge forward and write the alternative spellings into the article itself, together with the Russian original. That way a search on the alternative names finds the article. Would saying:
(Russian: Бахчисарай) (also transliterated as Bakhchisaraj or ISO:Bachchisaraj, generally written Bakhchisaray or (less common but more modern) Bakhchisarai

-- (WT-en) Huttite 18:28, 7 Jan 2006 (EST)

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