I've rewritten the "get in" section as most of the info about biking down is now in La Paz (It's more a daytrip from La Paz as it is a way to get into Coroico).

Riding down the World's Most Dangerous Road is definitely one of the highlights of visiting Bolivia, but is not without the obvious risks. On average, two motorists are killed every month on this road, which drops over 3000 meters down over a 3 - 4 hour bike ride. There have also been 8 bike riders killed on this road over the last 8 years. You won't notice most of the crosses that line the road until your tale a bus ride back up (56 at last count), but the bus ride is definitely the most dangerous part of this journey. However, the statistics are not necessarily bullet-proof, as the majority of accidents occur during the wet season (October to March). Biking down this road in the dry season much safer by comparison.

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