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It has a unique and rare structure like a bundled pencil, with a main six-sided shape, a height of 6-7m, a width of 15-20cm, and a small head with a dark blue stone. It is believed that the stone was crystallized due to great pressure during hot melt. This place is located in Delgereh Sum of Dornogovi Province, which is the territory of Mongolia. This place is located in Delgereh Sum of Dornogovi province, which is the territory of Mongolia, and was taken under the special protection of the province in 1988.



Tsonjiin chuluu means "steep high wall rock" in local language. No one knows when it first appeared. Some maps show Tsonjiin chuluu as belonging to Khentii province, but it is located in Delgereh sum area of ​​Dornogovi province. And if you want to see a picture of it, just search for tsonjiin chuluu in the column and it will come up.

Get in


"By car:" From Ulaanbaatar city go to Sainshand in Dornogobi province to the south east and by 150km go to the north and will reach Delgerekh sum then about 30km further north and will reach Tsonjiin chuluu. The car ride will take 7-8 hours.

"By plane:" Sainshand in Dornogovi Province does not have an airport, so it is not possible to travel by plane.

It has a unique and rare structure like a bundled pencil stones, some little hills and green grasslands in the west and east, there is nearby some small lakes. It is located in the steppe zone, there is also a deserted steppe.

Tourism is not developed in this unique natural formation, so there is not much to do. However, visiting tourists can bring their own campfire, tents, toys, games and have fun. 1 problem is no network at all. You can also ask a nearby family for a horse and ride

There are no shops or places that sell things nearby, so you have to prepare everything yourself. But if really necessary, you can ask for milk, dairy products, meat, matches, etc. from a nearby herdsman.

You can use the things you have prepared well and light a campfire to cook and eat when you want to eat. Therefore, unless you are well prepared, you may run out of food.



Bringing your own tent and sleeping almost anywhere in the area is possible

Go next


Go to "Dariganga, Altan ovoo, Duut nuur, Toroi bandiin khushuu, Taliin agui, Shiliin bogd". All of these are in Sukhbaatar province.