User:EvanProdromou/Surf the Saint Laurence

Although the Saint Laurence River is frozen nearly solid for 4-5 months out of the year, the waterway has become a magnet for afficionados of the new sport of river surfing. Unlike their oceanic brethren, river surfers ride the standing waves in fresh waterways. The Saint Laurent has two main hotspots for the sport: beneath the bridge on the way out of Habitat 67, and upstream in the wake Ile des Soeurs.

River surfing is difficult, and the number of available waves (one) makes any particular spot kind of crowded, but the sport is picking up in town. You can get lessons from a number of surf shops that have popped up around town.

<do name="Surf 66 Boardshop" url="" phone="+1-514-697-0366" price="$200 (two-day session with equipment)" hours="By appointment only" email="">Two-day surf lessons on Montreal's Saint Laurent River with local surf authority Corran Addison.</do>