Status of lake articles


For the following, "undefined region" means there is a region template but no explanation is made as to whether it is only covering the shores and/or where the boundaries of said region reach. "Undefined park" means no mention is made of an official park name, if any, and no indication is given as to the boundaries of the park.

  • Chilka Lake - City template with listings in two towns for which we have no article.
  • Inle Lake - City template for an isolated lake, listings at the lake, far from article-worthy towns.
  • Karakol Lake - Undefined park template, prose material, some of it copyrighted. Appears to be a stop on a highway between two cities.
  • Kentucky Lake - Undefined region with multiple town articles, fishing license information which is likely statewide, Eat listings belong in one of the towns, arent even listed in the town article currently
  • Lake Atitlan - Undefined region with multiple towns, 4 sleep listings which are between towns. Otherwise an extended disambig.
  • Lake Baikal - Undefined park template, most sections are short and refer to articles for two lakeside towns or an island destination
  • Lake Balaton - Corrupted city template containing other several cities, do listings mostly mention those cities, Eat is general with no listings, Sleep is vague with no indication of locations
  • Lake Billy Chinook - Undefined park template, brief Understand section, other sections are under 2 lines each with minimal information, no actual listings.
  • Lake Biwa - Region template listed as an "other destination" in the parent region, more properly a protected quasi-national park. One non-city Sleep listing. Others refer to lakeside town articles.
  • Lake Bolsena - Undefined region with two article cities within 3 or 4 km (only one is mentioned) and a third on its shores which could probably support an article
  • Lake Bracciano - City template, minimal info for one town of 15500 people (no article) and two small villages.
  • Lake Bunyonyi - Undefined region, one city 8km away, one sleep listing.
  • Lake Chad - Possibly hierarchical region of Chad, empty region template.
  • Lake Chatuge - Undefined region with only red-link towns. One sleep listing, unclear if it's in a town or not.
  • Lake Como - Undefined, the lake dominates Como (Province) and has a lot more info than the province article.
  • Lake Constance - Undefined extra-hierarchical region template with unlinked regions, a handful of city links. Get around has ferry info, See points to the specific destination articles, Do is fairly generic
  • Lake Garda - Undefined region with a long list of villages for which we have no articles and a description of two larger towns. See and Do are prose. Talk, Eat, Drink, and Stay safe are general enough to belong to the parent region or even country article. One Sleep listing.
  • Lake Geneva - Region template, most sections give a little information pointing to the town articles, one listing for a non-article village
  • Lake James - Minimal info including boat rentals, valid as a state park article with a proper name change
  • Lake Louise - City template, no nearby towns, fairly complete.
  • Lake Maninjau - City template, no indication of what the closest town is, several non-MOS Sleep listings, apparently not in a town.
  • Lake Manyara - Could be moved to Lake Manyara National Park
  • Lake Nasser - Undefined, virtually empty park template.
  • Lake Ontario - Basically an extended disambig, but in prose form.
  • Lake Ouachita - Undefined, only a paragraph. Nearby cities?
  • Lake Patzcuaro - Undefined region with multiple cities, islands, little info beyond an extended disambig.
  • Lake Shikotsu - City template within a national park for which we have an article, has a lakeside town Shikotsu Kohan with no article, shoreside listings may or may not be in the town, one listing for a canyon south of the lake, Get in section duplicates that for the park
  • Lake Tahoe - Perceptibly hierarchical region template with several cities and loads of regional listings away from the shores, technically extra-hierarchical
  • Lake Taupo - Undefined region template with only a brief Understand section and two un-commented city links, one listing from one of the cities. Discussion page that the intention was to create an article about the lake as an attraction.
  • Lake Titicaca - Basically an extended disambig with only Understand, Islands, and a Get out section.
  • Lake Toba - City template, Get in and Get around info is all for Parapat, unclear where Do refers to, most of the rest of the article seems to be about a village called Tuk Tuk
  • Lake Toya - City template within a park for which we have an article, Get in duplicates that of the park, attractions are nearby mountains etc. within said park, town on the shore Toyoka Onsen has no article, though Eat and Drink vaguely points the traveller there with no listings
  • Lake Trasimeno - Undefined region template, only disambig info
  • Lake Yojoa - Undefined park template distance to closest town not indicated, listings do not appear to be in a town, some see and do listings
  • Lesser Slave Lake - Possibly hierarchical region, completely empty except for one city listed
  • Mono Lake - Undefined park template, mostly filled in, could probably be moved to the park name.
  • Pakhal Lake - City template with no mention of nearby cities and very little info
  • Pyramid Lake - Undefined park template with only Understand and Do
  • Rock Creek Lake - Undefined park template with only a paragraph about a hiking trail and a mention that camping and cabins are available.
  • Waldo Lake - A lot of detailed info (stats) about the lake itself, much of it suspected copyright, one city mentioned as access, 3 campgrounds. Should probably be moved to Waldo Lake Wilderness Area and recast as a park template.
  • Wallowa Lake - Undefined park template. access through Joseph, possible within its city limits. Eat and Sleep listings are in that town.