Wikivoyage:Destination of the month candidates/Slush pile/2006
← 2005 | DotM slush pile for 2006 | (current) 2007 → |
- Bad Reichenhall would be good for the summer.(WT-en) Kingjeff 13:59, 11 Feb 2006 (EST)
- Do not support. No pictures, no map, no explanations or contact info for the very long laundry lists. Whoever called this a "Guide" was being awfully generous. -- (WT-en) Bill-on-the-Hill 10:13, 15 Feb 2006 (EST)
- In your opinion, what status should it have? (WT-en) Kingjeff 17:34, 15 Feb 2006 (EST)
- Usable, for reasons I give on your talk page. Definitely at the upper end of Usable, but more is needed before this qualifies as a DotM. -- (WT-en) Bill-on-the-Hill 19:47, 17 Feb 2006 (EST)
- Self-nominated by (WT-en) Professorbiscuit 08:22, 11 Oct 2004 (EDT).
- This is really nice. I think I'd like to see a little more content, or maybe it's not as big a city as I think? Is there any month that would be specially good? I don't know if November is a great time to visit, or is summer better?
- The "Do" section is a bit light, and some items from "See" should probably be moved there. Once that gets done this seems like a great article. -- (WT-en) Ryan 03:37, 1 Aug 2005 (EDT)
- Done.(WT-en) Tim 11:27, 14 August 2006 (EDT)
- Needs to be rated. (WT-en) kingjeff 00:30, 2 Jan 2006 (EST)
- Done.(WT-en) Tim 11:27, 14 August 2006 (EDT)
Adding back into Detination of the Month (WT-en) Tim 11:27, 14 August 2006 (EDT)
Added to the slush pile because this was nominated despite having been previously featured in 2005, and the nomination criteria specifically states that a destination should not be featured twice:
Cape Town is a very interesting city that is perfect to visit from November until March (summer) and therefore dits very good for December. The article is ok and it's an African destinations that everybody wants to go too! Therefore I would like to nominate it for december. (WT-en) Jan08:29, 20 June 2006
- Already featured back in September 2005. — (WT-en) Ravikiran 08:53, 20 June 2006 (EDT)
- Agreed, we really can't do this one again (at least not until everywhere else in the world has been featured once...). -- (WT-en) Bill-on-the-Hill 09:23, 20 June 2006 (EDT)
Well-constructed article on an important city, with good balance between main article and districts. (Some of the district articles could use some work, but there's time, and the totality of the articles is still excellent.) Plus, this photo just absolutely demands to get put on the Main Page! -- (WT-en) Bill-on-the-Hill 22:23, 29 June 2006 (EDT)
- The article needs some work. The districts are ok but the main Copenhagen pages lacks big chunks (Sleep, Drink, Cope, Learn). It should be better before a Cotw to get the formatting and content things done.-- (WT-en) Jan 12:13, 4 July 2006 (EDT)
A very good guide article, also includes a couple of maps. -- (WT-en) DanielC 08:42, 3 May 2006 (EDT)
- I don't think it's quite ready yet. There should be some work to reconcile "Do" and "Get out" -- the latter is content-free at the moment apart from a somewhat garish map, while the former has lots of stuff that seems to be rather remote from the city. Shouldn't be too hard to fix that, though, and it's otherwise a nice article. One thing: is it DotM or OTBP? -- (WT-en) Bill-on-the-Hill 09:44, 3 May 2006 (EDT)
- The "garishness" of the Get Out map can be fixed easily enough with a less saturated background color; otherwise I kinda like it. Flores does seem a bit OTBP to me, being neither large, famous, nor in a heavily-visited region. And since one of its main attractions is nearby Tikal, I'd like to see that built up (the article, that is, not the site) before featuring Flores.- (WT-en) Todd VerBeek 10:40, 3 May 2006 (EDT)
- I've moved most of the "See" items to "Get out", but I tend to agree with Todd that it is probably worth waiting on this article until the Tikal one is improved. I also thought that it may be better as a OTBP destination, but thought that as the base for the main site in Guatamala, it was difficult to say that it wasn't mainstream. -- (WT-en) DanielC 16:03, 4 May 2006 (EDT)
- Graz is good for January because of the ski resorts. (WT-en) Kingjeff
- Several of the listings need to be updated according to the Manual of style. The info in the article looks good though. -- (WT-en) Ryan 03:06, 26 Dec 2005 (EST)
- Needs article status and more info as mentioned above. (WT-en) Kingjeff 00:44, 2 Jan 2006 (EST)
Good article that will need a bit of MoSing, as some info is in the wrong sections. The Understand needs to be split up into climate/fauna etc. Having said this, the info is there and a CotW would sort it out. Possible candidate for Feb 07? It is also an African article, and we haven't had an African DotM since September 05. Finally, having this as DotM might also draw a few editors down to South African articles so we can get some more info into them! -- (WT-en) Tim 06:55, 15 August 2006 (EDT)
- Whoa! This still needs quite a bit of work -- sections are unpopulated, key contact info is missing (and may be hard to get), and so on. Also, there needs to be discussion as to whether it's DotM or OTBP. I'm in favor of getting this into usable shape, for all the reasons you cite above, but it first needs to be improved to where it's ready, then scheduled into the appropriate slot (more likely OTBP than DotM, IMHO). -- (WT-en) Bill-on-the-Hill 08:48, 15 August 2006 (EDT)
- Agree with Bill contentwise, but I do think this (just) qualifies for DOTM: it's probably Africa's best-known and busiest national park (a quick Googling says over 500,000 visitors yearly), although the huge size does compensate to some extent. (WT-en) Jpatokal 08:59, 15 August 2006 (EDT)
- Okay. It's on the list of things to do! (WT-en) Tim 12:06, 15 August 2006 (EDT)
- Since it was posed as a CotW with the statement that it was nominated for Feb 07, I've made it so, but I'm not convinced it's going to get there from a quality perspective. We should keep an eye on it once the CotW editing is done, to be sure that it really is good enough. -- (WT-en) Bill-on-the-Hill 21:30, 14 September 2006 (EDT)
- Not as many people ended up contributing to this when it was COTW as I had hoped, and I will have nowhere near enough time to make this DotM standard, so I think it should be removed from the nominations list until it gets alot more material. It will make a fantastic article though because it is a fantastic place! (WT-en) Tim 13:20, 25 October 2006 (EDT)
- OK, it's getting slushed, reluctantly. It would be really nice if someone would make the effort to get it up to standard (and thanks for your tries, Tim) -- we could definitely use a DotM like this. -- (WT-en) Bill-on-the-Hill 10:54, 24 November 2006 (EST)
- Not as many people ended up contributing to this when it was COTW as I had hoped, and I will have nowhere near enough time to make this DotM standard, so I think it should be removed from the nominations list until it gets alot more material. It will make a fantastic article though because it is a fantastic place! (WT-en) Tim 13:20, 25 October 2006 (EDT)
Has a map, very thorough article and good city to visit. (WT-en) Kingjeff 16:56, 3 March 2006 (EST)
- Not bad, but Montreal is too big a city to fit smoothly into a single article. Should be broken into districts and much content moved to same, at which time it should be revisited, as it is indeed a cool place well worthy of being a DotM. -- (WT-en) Bill-on-the-Hill 16:50, 4 March 2006 (EST)
- There seems to be no current advocacy for this one, nor any move to address the issues. Can it be slushed? -- (WT-en) Bill-on-the-Hill 21:44, 17 May 2006 (EDT)
I don't agree that Montreal needs to be split into districts, as the districts are not familiar to many travellers. Better to keep all of the content on Montreal, this is great content, for all to discover.
Most people would associate Munich with September, because of Oktoberfest, but I think it would be great for the month of June/July.
- Nominated by (WT-en) Sapphire 13:42, 18 Apr 2005 (EDT)
- Nomination withdrawn until August is debated, so I have time to put in districts. (WT-en) Sapphire 16:52, 19 Apr 2005 (EDT)
- I would suggest tightening up the formatting a little better (according to the wikivoyage guidelines) and improving the grammar. --User:(WT-en) Kenliu
- Support for March.(WT-en) Kingjeff 21:06, 31 Jan 2006 (EST)
- Would August be unreasonable? Gives enough time to make plans for Oktoberfest. Yes, the formatting and grammar could use some work, but there's plenty of time for that and the content is in good shape already. -- (WT-en) Bill-on-the-Hill 08:59, 1 Feb 2006 (EST)
- I would like to get 1 location in before FIFA World Cup. (WT-en) Kingjeff 23:26, 2 Feb 2006 (EST)
- Is there anyway we can bump Munich up to May? (WT-en) Kingjeff 22:10, 7 Feb 2006 (EST)
- Districting is not complete, there is still some duplication and most of the districts don't follow the template. Even the main page is a bit odd. (WT-en) Jpatokal 02:23, 8 Feb 2006 (EST)
- Does all the districts really need to be there? (WT-en) Kingjeff 19:42, 8 Feb 2006 (EST)
- They don't all need to be filled up, but they should at least be formatted correctly, and all sights/destinations should be in the right place. (WT-en) Jpatokal 01:29, 9 Feb 2006 (EST)
- Considering how great this would be for Sep/Oct, I think it should probably wait. --(WT-en) Evan 10:28, 27 February 2006 (EST)
- Is there any German city we can nominate and have a ligitimate chance of gettin the DOTM before June? (WT-en) Kingjeff 21:21, 27 February 2006 (EST)
- Berlin is already nominated: contentwise it's there, it just needs a lot of grunt work to district properly... so if you want to see it as DOTM, get to work =) (WT-en) Jpatokal 23:52, 27 February 2006 (EST)
- Districting needs work. Few attractions have locations or phone numbers listed -- just websites. Too little Manual-of-style. Looks like a slush pile entry to me -- and then renominate when someone thinks it's ready rather than nominating an article that would we all wish was ready. -- (WT-en) Colin 18:46, 20 March 2006 (EST)
- Anyone object to placing Munich in the slush pile? I doubt few people will have a signifcant problem with MoS, with the exception being the clubs and discos. The districts are coming together, but Thalkirchen sucks. Haidhausen and Olympic area could be better. (WT-en) Andrew Haggard (Sapphire) 17:12, 18 May 2006 (EDT)
Looks like a fairly good article. Could be a little more MoSie and a few more sleep listings. Plus, it's summer there in November, December 2006. (WT-en) Andrew Haggard (Sapphire) 00:01, 20 May 2006 (EDT)
- I don't think it's quite there yet. "See" and "Understand" both need significant work, and significant info is missing on some of the entries. Every reason to believe it could be put into DotM shape by (austral) summer, though. -- (WT-en) Bill-on-the-Hill 23:40, 31 May 2006 (EDT)
The most visted tourist destitnation in New Zealand. The Weather is generally good. But the summer monthes are preferable. Rotorua is home to the world famous geysers and thermal mud pools, it also the home to zorbing. basically Rotorua is a great place if you want extreme sports OR if you are more interested in relaxing it has many great spas with the mineral from the thermal pools.
- Please read #Nominate above. Destination of the month is a way to feature the best Wikivoyage articles, and this does not meet that criteria. -- (WT-en) Ryan 19:28, 18 October 2006 (EDT)
- Oppose. Article is not up to snuff for DotM: for example, the Sleep section has only one hotel.
- Oppose, but a question: just how big and developed is the place? If it's OTBP-size, the article is really not that far from ready. As far as I can tell, the entire Rotorua district has a population of only 50,000 or so, which means that it (1) may be appropriate for OTBP and (2) might not have to have that much information added to become comprehensive. Still will need lots of MoS work, though. -- (WT-en) Bill-on-the-Hill 11:41, 28 October 2006 (EDT)
- This one doesn't seem to be getting legs. Any objections to slush-piling it? -- (WT-en) Bill-on-the-Hill 22:24, 3 December 2006 (EST)
- Salzburg (city)- Salzburg would be good for May 2008 since Austria is a co-host for Euro 2008.
- Listings need to be MoS'd. The Eat, Drink and Sleep listings also need more details (addresses, prices etc). (WT-en) Jpatokal 23:55, 1 Jan 2006 (EST)
- Needs understand section plus some additional info mentioned above. (WT-en) Kingjeff 00:39, 2 Jan 2006 (EST)
Guide article, I've added lots of images and some more information. / (WT-en) Adestro
- It's close, but a go/no-go decision should be made as to the use of districts. There is a big long section that lays the districts out as sub-articles, but no district articles exist yet, let alone have any content. Either use 'em or purge 'em. Some copyediting would also be useful, but nothing major. Your added photos are certainly nice. -- (WT-en) Bill-on-the-Hill 22:53, 25 February 2006 (EST)
- Yeah, I agree. I added that section just before posting this nomination. Perhaps we should wait until the districts have been done, I don't live in Stockholm so I'm unable to contribute to them. /(WT-en) Adestro 15:26, 26 February 2006 (EST)
- Torino for February 2006. Torino is hosting the 2006 Winter Olympic Games and it would be an excellent DotM for Feb. Our coverage of Torino right now is so-so but I bet if we put our minds to it we could really get it cooking. --(WT-en) Evan 00:09, 17 Dec 2005 (EST)
Good choice. But more info is needed before it'll get picked. (WT-en) Kingjeff- Support. I realize I've already supported Hangzhou, but the Winter Olympics are just too good a tie-in. If we can pull the article together, would others supprot Torino for Feb? I'll put together a list of what needs to get done. (WT-en) Majnoona 14:45, 29 Jan 2006 (EST)
- Do not support. This is a perfect example of why a longer lead time is desirable for DotM. There is too much left to do on the article on the spur of the moment, and in any event, it's far too late to be able to use this page for travel for the Olympics, since lodging in particular will be nearly impossible to find at this late date. -- (WT-en) Bill-on-the-Hill 15:09, 29 Jan 2006 (EST)
- Against. I agree completely with Bill, it's way too late for Torino. I wouldn't mind nudging it onto the Main Page though... but in the meantime, time to start polishing up Vancouver for 2010? (WT-en) Jpatokal 07:14, 31 Jan 2006 (EST)
- Agree about the Main Page, and we do have the 2008 Olympics coming before Vancouver... -- (WT-en) Bill-on-the-Hill 09:18, 31 Jan 2006 (EST)
- It would be nice to in some way feature Torino during the Olympics, but I agree that it's too late to make it DOTM. -- (WT-en) Ryan 21:13, 31 Jan 2006 (EST)
Waitomo Caves is just a 2 hour drive from Auckland. It is home to the famous Waitomo Caves, Glowworms,There are many places to view the glowworms including some where you just take a boat road, to others with a 4 hour walk. Apart from the glowworm there is alot to do in the area including a free Angoran rabbit shearing show. —The preceding comment was added by (WT-en) (talk • contribs) 18 Oct 2006
- Please read #Nominate above, as well as Project:What is an article?. Destination of the month is a way to feature the best Wikivoyage articles, and this does not meet that criteria. -- (WT-en) Ryan 19:28, 18 October 2006 (EDT)