
This page provides a historical record of Special:GadgetUsage through its page history. To get the data in CSV format, see wikitext. To customize this message or add categories, create /top. The following data is cached, and was last updated 2024-04-25T06:25:05Z. A maximum of 5000 results are available in the cache.

Gadget Number of users Active users
BootstrapCarousel 43 2
DisambiguationLinks 76 7
DotsSyntaxHighlighter 137 8
ErrorHighligter 187 23
JS toolset 153 4
ListingEditor2023 Default Default
ListingEditor2023-Beta 7 3
RTRC 210 12
UTCLiveClock 319 10
edittop 196 11
exlinks Default Default
mobile-sidebar 56 1
popups 348 12
vector-headanchor 96 4
wikEd 187 3