Wikivoyage:RDF Expedition/Derived works

When we import images or text from other sites, it's a good idea to note where it came from, what its copyright status is, and who made it. In some cases, this is required by the license for the work.

It would be good to express this information so that it can be read by both humans and machines. In particular, it would be great to add source and authorship information into the credit blocks at the bottom of each page.



The Dublin Core and Creative Commons schemas are fine-tuned to represent authorship, licenses and sources.

In particular, we can use the dc:creator and dc:contributor elements for authors; we can use dc:source for the original URLs, and we can use cc:license to describe the works' licenses.



Our guide to Mexico is based partially on the CIA Factbook. We can note that fact like so (on the Mexico page):

<> dc:source <> .
     cc:license cc:PublicDomain ;
     dc:creator "Central Intelligence Agency" .

Consider Image:Flag of Croatia.png, a flag image derived from the OpenClipArt project. Here's a way to specify its source:

   dc:source <> .
   cc:license cc:PublicDomain .

Consider Image:Suomenlinna.jpg, from the Wikimedia Commons.

    dc:source <> .
    cc:license <> ;
    dc:creator <> .

Consider pt:Project:Sobre, which was largely translated from Project:About. On the Portuguese page, we could say:

 <> dc:source en:Wikivoyage:About .

    cc:license <> ;
    rdfs:seeAlso en:Wikivoyage:About .



The most common template would give the source URL, the license, and the creator's name.

{{source|source URL|license|creator}}

Another would give an URL for the creator's ID (for authors who have user pages on other wikis, for example):

{{source-c|source URL|license|creator URL}}

One easy template would just fill in the original source URL:

{{source-unk|source URL}}

...and the source URL, plus a license, but no author:

{{source-unk-l|source URL|license URL}}

For works with lots of authors, we could have a bunch of related templates assembled in a block.

{{sourceblock|source URL|license URL}}
{{source-author-url|author URL}}

For stuff translated from other language versions of Wikivoyage, we could have a simple translation template.

{{translated-from|language code|Page title}}

Other notes

  • For sources where we get a lot of data (Wikimedia Commons, CIA Factbook) we may want to include some namespace prefixes ("CIA:" or "WMCommons:").
  • We don't have an easy way to say, "the image referred to by this image page".
  • We'll need some code to add source information to the credits block.