This page is currently a draft

When giving times and dates, such as for opening and closing times of attractions, restaurants and bars, use the following formatting guidelines.

Times edit

Use either the 24-hour format (09:30–17:00) or the 12-hour format (9:30AM–5PM). Do not use both within one article – choose one by following predominant local usage. Ask yourself: "Which format will visitors see in timetables, on shop doors and in newspapers?"

It can be assumed that times are in the local time zone.

Regardless of format edit

24 hours daily

  For establishments that don't close use "24 hours daily".

12-hour format edit


  • Minutes are not shown for full hours.
  • Don't use spaces.
  • Omit periods (full stops) in "AM" and "PM".


  Where minutes are shown, use a colon as the separator.


  Use "midnight" for 12PM and "noon" for 12AM.


  • Separate a range with en dash rather than a hyphen.
  • Don't use spaces.
  • Use "AM" and "PM" only once for a range when both parts are AM or PM.

24-hour format edit


  • Always use two digits, both for the hour and the minutes.
    (Minutes, i.e. zeroes, are shown for full hours.)
  • Include the leading zero
  • Use a colon as the separator.


  Use 00:00 for midnight and 12:00 for noon.


  • Separate a range with en dash rather than a hyphen.
  • Don't use spaces.

Days edit

M Tu W Th F Sa Su

  Abbreviate days to the minimum number of letters.
  (Do so only in lists and where space is short.)

Good Friday

  Spell the day out when it is part of a named day.


  • Separate a range with en dash rather than a hyphen.
  • Don't use spaces.

M Tu

  Separate two consecutive days with a space only.


  Separate days that are not in a range with spaces only.

M–F 09:15–17:00

  When combining days with time, put the days first.

09:15–17:00 daily

  For all seven days use only "daily".

3–11PM (closed Tu)

  For establishments open six days a week, state the day they are closed.

Dates edit

1 Jan 2001

  Use the date format of day–month–year.

  • Day: Use two digits, without a leading zero.
  • Month: Abbreviate to first three letters where needed (lists, listings, etc.).
  • Year: Use four digits.

Durations edit

2 yr


2 wk


2 hr


2 min


5 hr 15 min
5¼ hr

  Hours and minutes (stick to one style for the whole article).

Decades and centuries edit

the 1920s

  • Decades should be shown in digits
  • Do not use "the twenties" or "the 1920's".

the 19th century

  • Centuries should be shown in digits.
    (Do not use "the XIX century", "the nineteenth century", or the "19th Century".)
  • Also consider whether to use, for example, "the 1800s" instead of "the 19th century".