With all sincerity I feel that the article, written in your style of English, conveys a distinct sense of authenticity. I would suggest leaving the style exactly as it is. - (WT-en) Sohcahtoa 11:21, 2004 May 25 (EDT)

I went ahead and changed it to fit in more with the Project:Manual of style, as well as proper English. It's nice to get contributions from locals, especially one as knowledgeable and enthusiastic as the one who started this page, but Wikivoyage guides need lots of attention, and idiosyncratic style tends to get washed out sooner or later.
I also removed the photo links and mailto: link. --(WT-en) Evan 12:57, 25 May 2004 (EDT)
I just removed
Apartament with 2 double rooms. You could see the sea¡¡. zouzou1975@yahoo.es
I'm not sure we have a guidline on a listing like this, but there isn't really any way to find out more information (ie price location ect) so I'm not sure if it could be developed into a 'real' listing... (WT-en) Majnoona 22:46, 21 Nov 2005 (EST)
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