Óbuda (literally Old Buda) is in Budapest. This article describes the southern part of District III (Óbuda–Békásmegyer).
editSettlements dating from the stone age have been found in Óbuda. The Romans built Aquincum, the capital of Pannonia province here. Hungarians arrived after 900 and it served as an important settlement of major tribal leaders, later kings. Béla IV of Hungary built a new capital after the 1241-42 Mongol invasion in Buda, somewhat south of Óbuda. Óbuda was merged with Buda and Pest on 17 November 1873.
The Main Square (Fő tér) and the surrounding streets (Laktanya utca, Hídfő utca lit. Barrack Street, Bridgehead Street) with its cube stones, lampposts, remaining neo-classical and eclectic-storied houses faithfully evoke the 18th and 19th century atmosphere of Óbuda. Under cobblestones of the main square is the medieval Chapter district, from 11-14th centuries. The former provost's palace, and Peter and Mary Church stood here, remnants are no longer visible.
Get in
editHistorical buildings and statues
edit- 1 Trinity Statue (Szentháromság-szobor), III, Szentlélek tér (Szentlélek tér H5 ). The original statue of the Holy Trinity was made from the Zichy family donations, after the 1738–1739 plague. Due to the construction of the Árpád bridge the statue was demolished in 1956. The pieces of it were transported to Kiscell Museum. In 2000 it was restored set up near the old location. The sculpture composition has three columns: Saint Roch, Saint Sebastian and Saint Felix figure, in the guardian stones: Saint Charles of Borromeo, Saint Francis of Xavier and Saint Florian can be seen. The relief shows the Penitent David and the Good Shepherd. The altar-like front part shows Virgin Mary and under of it, Saint Rosalia.
- 2 Zichy Palace (Zichy-kastély), III, Fő tér 1 (Szentlélek tér H5 ). This is a Baroque palace was built between 1740–1757 for Miklós Zichy. The engineering and construction did János Henrik Jäger, stonemason. The main building of the complex was surrounded by wings. Later, The two wings symmetrically terraced garden houses joined (in 18–19th centuries). A park stood opposite the palace facade.
- 3 Dwelling Houses (Lakóházak), III, Fő tér (Szentlélek tér H5 ). Fő tér 5: One-story, eclectic neo-classical house with balcony. Fő tér 4: Classicism ('copf style'), storey, corner house, built around 1780. Harrer Pál utca 2: One-story, eclectic house with courtyard.
- 4 Town Hall (Városháza), III, Fő tér 3 (Szentlélek tér H5 ). The old one-story Town Hall was demolished in the early 1900s. Built in 1906 on the site a new representative building. This building is today Óbuda–Bekasmegyer Mayor's Office.
- 5 Szindbád Sculpture (Szindbád-szobor), III, Fő tér (Szentlélek tér H5 ). Sculpture by Péter Szanyi about the protagonist of Gyula Krúdy's novel. It was set up in 2013.
- 6 Waiting (Várakozók), III, Szindbád tér (Szentlélek tér H5 ). The ladies with umbrellas, is a sculpture group by Imre Varga was set up in 1986.
- 7 Votive Altar (Fogadalmi oltár), III, Flórián tér (Flórián tér 1 9 ). Statue assembly. The figures of the assembly are Saint Florian (on the left), Charles Borromeo (at the centre) and Philip Neri (on the right).
- 8 Dwelling Houses (Lakóházak), III, Lajos utca (Nagyszombat utca 9 / Tímár utca H5 ). Fényes Adolf utca 2: Former tanner house, classicist, built around 1830. Lajos utca 104: One-storey 18th century house with eclectic facade. Lajos utca 102: One-storey, Baroque house with romantic facade, built around 1860. Lajos utca 100: One-storey, classicist house with eclectic facade, built around 1800.
- 9 Silk Spinner Manufactory (Selyemgombolyító), III, Miklós tér 1 (Raktár utca 9 ). Built around 1785.
- 10 Kiscell Museum (Kiscelli Múzeum), III, Kiscelli utca 108 (Remetehegyi út 165 ), ☏ +36 1 388-8560, kapcsolat@kiscellimuzeum.hu. Nov–Mar: Tu–Fr 10:00–16:00, Sa–Su 10:00–18:00; Apr–Oct Tu–Su 10:00–18:00. Furniture, chests, signboard, silver, architecture collections, photo gallery, toy, technology, ethnography, poster, ballroom dancing collections, maps, manuscripts and printed matter, textile and flags, glass, ceramic and porcelain, mixed lifestyle collections. A beautiful complex of Baroque style buildings built for Trinitarian monks. The museum exhibits fine arts and items of modern history. Exhibitions on the ground floor reachable by wheelchair. On the ground floor for disabled basin site. Adult: 2000 Ft; senior, student: 1000 Ft.
- 11 Goldberger Textile Industry Collection (Goldberger Textilipari Gyűjtemény), III, Lajos utca 136-138 (Tímár utca H5 ), ☏ +36 1 250-1020, info@obudaimuzeum.hu. Tu–Su 10:00–18:00. Museum for material and spiritual memories of the Hungarian textile and clothing industry. Adult: 1400 Ft; senior, student: 700 Ft.
- 12 Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism (Magyar Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Múzeum), III, Korona tér 1 (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 1 375-6249, mkvm@iif.hu. Tu–Su 10:00–18:00. Commercial posters, trade history photos, approximately 9,000 pieces a large amount of Hungarian coins and bills, menus, menu cards, price lists and program guides, certificates archive materials, a fine art collection related to both the trade and the catering industry. Around Korona tér, neoclassical, eclectic, and baroque residential buildings built in 19th and 20th centuries. Adult: 1000 Ft; senior, student: 500 Ft.
- 13 Vasarely Museum (Vasarely Múzeum), III, Szentlélek tér 6 (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 1 388-7551, vasarely@szepmuveszeti.hu. Tu–Su 10:00–17:45. The museum contains the work of Victor Vasarely, a figure of 'op art'. The works are excellent and are fun to watch. Adult: 800 Ft; senior, student: 400 Ft.
- 14 Lajos Kassák Memorial Museum (Kassák Lajos Emlékmúzeum), III, Fő tér 1 (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 1 368-7021, kassakmuzeum@pim.hu. Tu–Su 10:00–17:00. Preserve the legacy of Hungarian writer, painter and editor Lajos Kassák (1887-1967). Adult: 800 Ft; senior, student: 400 Ft.
- 15 Óbuda Museum (Óbudai Múzeum), III, Fő tér 1 (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 1 250-1020, titkarsag@obudaimuzeum.hu. Tu–Su 10:00–18:00. A museum of the local history in the Zichy Palace. Furniture history collection, technology history collection (household and work appliances, office equipment, clocks, entertainment appliances), glass, ceramics and porcelain collection, trades collection, textile collection, numismatics collection, city history, association and party badges, music collection, household collection, stone collection. For disabled the permanent exhibition is accessible. Adult: 800 Ft; senior, student: 400 Ft.
- 16 Imre Varga Collection (Varga Imre Gyűjtemény), III, Laktanya utca 7 (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 1 250-0274, varga.gyujtemeny@mail.btm.hu. Apr–Oct: Tu–Su 10:00–18:00; Nov–Mar: Tu–Su 10:00–16:00. The collection contains the works of the Hungarian sculptor Imre Varga. Adult: 800 Ft; senior, student: 400 Ft.
- 17 Budapest Gallery (Medieval Market, Budapest Galéria, Középkori piactér), III, Lajos utca 158 (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 1 388 6784, info@budapestgaleria.hu. Tu–Su 10:00–18:00. The market emerged in the XII–XIII. century, the Danubian harbor and anchorage with Esztergom highway connecting streets. The line of houses on the south side led to the Clarissans convent. Lajos utca 158 was one of the buildings of the former marketplace, at the beginning of the 18th century it was a beer house. In the 1790s, it was converted into an apartment house. In 19th century, it was extended with additional extensions. At this time, the restoration of the building preserved the most important medieval details. The house is now a contemporary art gallery. Adult: 800 Ft; senior, student: 400 Ft.
- 18 Godot Institute of Contemporary Art (Godot Kortárs Művészeti Intézet), III, Fényes Adolf utca 21 (Tímár utca 9 / Tímár utca H5 ), ☏ +36 70 386-8668, icagodot@gmail.com. Tu–Su 14:00–19:00. Contemporary art gallery. Adult: 2500 Ft; senior, student: 1500 Ft.
- 19 Artézi Gallery (Artézi Galéria), III, Kunigunda útja 18 (Bécsi út / Vörösvári út 1 ), ☏ +36 20 496-3408, gallery@artezi.hu. Only by appointment. Independent contemporary art gallery. Free entrance.
Memories of the Roman Empire
- 20 Hercules Villa (Hercules-villa), III, Meggyfa utca 19-21 (Óbuda, Bogdáni út 9 ), ☏ +36 1 430-1081, aquincum@aquincum.hu. Apr–Oct: W–Su 10:00–18:00. Exhibition shows the ruins of a villa from the Roman age. Adult: 500 Ft; senior, student: 250 Ft.
- 21 Thermae Maiores (Bath Museum, Fürdőmúzeum), III, Flórián tér 3-5, underpass (Flórián tér 1 9 ), ☏ +36 1 430-1081. Apr–Oct: Tu–Su 10:00–18:00; Nov–Mar: Tu–Su 10:00–16:00 (only when the weather is dry and surfaces are not slippery). Outdoor exhibition shows the remains of the baths of the legionary fortress. Free entrance.
- 22 Cella Trichora (Ruins of an early Christian chapel, Ókeresztény kápolna romjai), III, Hunor utca (Óbudai rendelőintézet 1 ). North side of the Raktár street once been one late-Roman Christian cemetery. There was the outskirts of the ancient Christian chapel. A typical cloverleaf-shaped building raised in around 360 CE, in memory of the martyrs and saints. Free to visit.
- 23 Aquincum Military Amphitheatre (Aquincumi katonai amfiteátrum), III, Pacsirtamező utca 2-14 (Katinyi mártírok parkja 19 ). The military amphitheater located south of former Roman military camp. Around 145 the training ground, rebuilt in stone amphitheater during the reign of emperor Antoninus Pius. The construction work was performed by the Legio II Adiutrix technical corps. The longitudinal axis 131.8 m (432 ft), cross axis 108.4 m (356 ft) of the outer walls of the stand. The arena size of 89.6 m (294 ft)×66.1 m (217 ft). Molded walls of its cabinets were built by fishbone vaults. The walls were huge stone pillar supported.
- 24 Porta Principalis Dextra (Southern Camp Gate, Déli táborkapu), III, Flórián tér (Flórián tér 1 9 ). Today's Florian Square was the site of the center of former camp of the Aquincum Legion of II. Adiutrix. Now there is an archeological park with the remains of the camp from 2nd-3rd century CE, Officers flats, tabernas and the camp big baths. Free to visit.
- 25 Porta Praetoria (Eastern Camp Gate, Keleti táborkapu), III, Kórház utca 7 (Szentlélek tér H5 ). The gate was built in the second half of the 3rd century. It was the Roman legion camp's main gate looking for Danube river. This was a three-span structure. Both two edges a storey, octagonal tower flanked. The middle passage used for the car traffic, the two extremes made for pedestrians. Across this was accessible the Danube bridge. Free to visit.
edit- 26 Saint Peter and Paul Parish Roman Catholic Parish Church (Szent Péter és Pál római katolikus plébániatemplom), III, Árpád-házi Szent Erzsébet tér (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 1 368-6424, obudaplb@gmail.com. Built by Péter Zichy in 1749 in Baroque style. In front of the church there are sculpures of Saint John of Nepomuk and Saint Florian. The Baroque sculptures created by Károly Bebo sculptor in 1753.
- 27 Óbuda Synagogue (Óbudai zsinagóga), III, Lajos utca 163 (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 30 396-9020, info@obudaizsinagoga.hu. Not open to visitors. Budapest's oldest, still existing Jewish temple, and one of the masterpieces of European neoclassical synagogue. The neo-Classical facade decoration of the six Corinthian columns supported by an open portico tympanum closure. It was built in 1820 according to the design of András Landherr.
- 28 Óbuda Reformed Church (Óbudai református templom), III, Kálvin köz 4 (Flórián tér 1 9 / Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 1 368-6410, refobuda@enternet.hu. The temple was built in 1786. The front facade of the church, a tower was erected in 1788. The donations of the faithful in 1878 was made a spire with a helmet. The building made with one nave. The remains of the medieval castle can be found at the basement. Óbuda first regal, later in 11–14th centuries was king and queen headquarters. The Royal Castle was a lowland castle, shaped for regular ground, square form, which is bounded by a double walled moat.
- 29 Óbuda Lutheran Church (Óbudai evangélikus templom), III, Dévai Bíró Mátyás tér 1 (Kiscelli utca 9 / Selmeci utca 19 ), ☏ +36 1 388-1773, obudev@gmail.com. Built in 1935.
- 30 Ruins of Clarisse Church and Nunnery (Klarissza templom és kolostor romjai), III, Kiskorona utca (Tímár utca 9 / Tímár utca H5 ). Not open to visitors, can be seen from the street. Since 1334 Clarissa nuns from the monastery stood here. This was one large three-nave church, each ship has a polygonal apse. Queen Elizabeth (Charles Robert's wife) was founded, who was buried here in 1380. Beautifully preserved basement walls can be seen on courtyard of Ilona Andor Music and Arts Elementary School. The complex was destroyed around 1541. The monastery was home of the altar of Queen Elizabeth, which now can be seen in the New York Metropolitan Museum.
- 31 Holy Blood Roman Catholic Chapel (Szent Vér római katolikus kápolna), III, Doberdó út (Selmeci utca 19 ). Built in 1822.
- 32 Saint Donatus Roman Catholic Chapel (Szent Donát római katolikus kápolna), III, Farkastorki út 58 (Verhovina utca 237 ). Built in 1781.
edit- 33 Károly Guckler Observation Point (Guckler Károly-kilátópont) (2 km (1.2 mi) walk from Szépvölgyi dűlő 65 ). Nice view from the top of Hármashatár Mountain.
- 34 Károly Guckler Nature Trail (1 km (0.62 mi) walk from Fenyőgyöngye 65 ). 3.5 km (2.2 mi) long nature trail shows the wildlife of forest around Budapest. There is also two observation points with good view to Óbuda.
- 35 Tábor-hegyi Cave (Tábor-hegyi-barlang) (Erdőalja út 43. 137 ). The second longest dolomite cave in the Buda Hills. Specially protected and archaeologically important cave. There is an observation terrace with a nice view to Óbuda.
- 36 Kőtaraj (Máramaros út 137 ). Crag with nice panorama.
edit- 1 Esernyős, III, Fő tér 2 (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 30 883-1953, info@esernyos.hu. M–F 08:00–22:00, Sa 10:00–22:00, Su 10:00–15:00. Community space, cafe, lunch and breakfast, art gallery and tourist information. Lunch menu: 1090 Ft.
- 2 Óbudai Társaskör, III, Kiskorona utca 7 (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 1 250-0288, info@obudaitarsaskor.hu. Arts and community center. The building was built for an inn and cafe between 1816 and 1818, in Classical style.
- 3 Térszínház, III, Fő tér 1, Zichy Palace yard (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 1 388-4310, terszinhaz@gmail.com. Theatre. Ticket: 1800 Ft.
- 4 Óbuda Cultural Center (Óbudai Kulturális Központ), III, San Marco utca 81 (Szent Margit Kórház 19 ), ☏ +36 1 388 2373, kulturkozpont@kulturkozpont.hu. M–F 08:00–20:00. Also here is the San Marco Gallery with art exhibitions.
edit- 5 Kiscell Park (Kiscelli-parkerdő) (Remetehegyi út 165 / Selmeci utca 19 ). Free to visit.
- 6 Óbuda Bath (Óbudai strand), III, Laborc utca 2 (Bécsi út / Vörösvári út 1 ), ☏ +36 1 388-9770, titkarsag@obudasport.hu. Jun 18–Jul 1, Aug 18–26: M–F 10:00–20:00, Sa–Su 09:00–19:00; Jul 2–Aug 17: M–F 16:00-20:00, Sa–Su 09:00–19:00. Open-air pool. Adult: 1800 Ft; senior, student: 1300 Ft.
- 7 Berguson Bike Rental, III, Laktanya utca 1/b (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 20 207-3133, kolcsonzes@obudakerekpar.hu. Mar–Oct: M–F 07:00–19:00, Sa Su 09:00–19:00. 200 Ft per hour. Deposit of a registered document and deposit of 10,000 Ft is required.
- 8 Brainmaze, III, Bécsi út 121 (Selmeci utca 19 ), ☏ +36 20 407-0701, bm@brainmaze.hu. M–Sa 11:00–22:30. Escape game. 2500 Ft–3000 Ft per person.
- 9 Polaris Observatory, III, Laborc utca 2/c (Bécsi út / Vörösvári út 1 ), ☏ +36 1 240-7708, polaris@mcse.hu. Tu Th Su 20:00–22:30 (only when the sky is clear). Adult: 1000 Ft; senior, student: 600 Ft.
edit- 10 Aranypatkó Riding Hall, III, Aranyhegyi út 18 (Aranyhegyi lejtő 160 ), ☏ +36 70 363-1553, aranypatkolovarda@gmail.com.
- 11 Budapest Garden, III. Árpád fejedelem útja 125 (Tímár utca H5 ), ☏ +36 1 250-4799, info@budapestgarden.com. M–F 10:00–23:00, Sa Su 10:00–01:00. Leisure park with various possibilities: bubble soccer, ninja court, trampoline, beach volleyball, artificial grass football field, skate park, street workout ground, soccer, darts, ping pong, badminton. 500 Ft–1800 Ft per person. Street workout ground, darts and ping pong are free.
- 12 Continental Citygolf Club, III, Perényi út 6 (Váradi utca 19 ), ☏ +36 30 730-3270, recepcio@continentalgolf.hu. 09:00–17:00. Golf course.
- 13 Folyondár Sport Center, III, Folyondár utca 15 (Mikoviny utca 165 ), ☏ +36 1 244-8850, info@folyondar.hu. M–F 07:00–22:00, Sa Su 08:00–20:00. Tennis courts and fitness. 4000 Ft–7100 Ft.
- 14 Glob Royal Billiard Club, III, Csemete utca 7 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 1 250-8930, glob.royal.obuda@gmail.com. 16:00-00:00. Billiard club and rock club with live concerts. Billiard table 1080 Ft per hour; darts: 1080 Ft per hour.
- 15 Óbuda Tennis Club, III, Laborc utca 2 (Bécsi út / Vörösvári út 1 ), ☏ +36 1 240-5601, tenisz@obudasport.hu. Tennis courts. 2700 Ft–3000 Ft per hour.
- 16 Rozmaring Tennis Club, III, Árpád fejedelem útja 125 (Tímár utca H5 ), ☏ +36 240-4042, info@teniszpalya.eu. M–F 07:00–22:00, Sa Su 08:00–21:00. Tennis courts. 1900 Ft–2900 Ft per hour.
- 17 Spider Club, III, Fényes Adolf utca 19-21 (Tímár utca 9 / Tímár utca H5 ), ☏ +36 20 519-3234, info@spiderclub.hu. M–F 13:00–23:00, Sa Su 10:00–22:00. Climbing hall. Adult: 1800 Ft, children: 1200 Ft.
- 18 Szépvölgyi Tennis Centrum, III, Virág Benedek utca 39-41 (Szélvész utca 65 ), ☏ +36 1 388-1591, tenisz@szepvolgyi.hu. M–F 07:00–23:00, Sa 07:00–22:00, Su 07:00–14:00. Tennis courts. 3000 Ft–4500 Ft per hour.
- Day of Óbuda (Óbuda Napja). In May. Three days event with free concerts and fair. Free.
- Summer in Óbuda (Óbudai Nyár). Between Jun 15–Aug 31. Free concerts, film screening and other programs.
- Festival of Craft Beers in Óbuda (Óbudai Kézműves Sörök Fesztiválja). In September. Free.
- Picnic in Óbuda (Óbudai Piknik). In September.
- Advent in Óbuda (Advent Óbudán). In December. Christmas fair and winter outdoor skating.
editIn Óbuda:
- 1 Buda Entertainment and Gastro, III, Bécsi út 38-44 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 1 437-8200, info@budaeg.com. M–F 07:00–22:30, Sa Su 08:00–22:30; Buda Bed Cinema: 11:30–22:00; Center of Scientific Wonders (Csodák Palotája): 09:00–19:00; D'Al Michele Pizzeria: M–Sa 11:00–20:00; Hummus Bar Restaurant: M–F 11:00–22:00; Sa Su 12:00–22:00; I Love Kex Confectionery: M–F 08:00–20:00, Sa 10:00–20:00, Su 11:00–18:00. Shopping center. Services: bed cinema, Middle Eastern restaurant, pizzeria, confectionery, indoor playground, bookstore, drugstore. Csopa is Hungary's first unique interactive scientific exhibition, where scientific phenomena become entertaining and physics becomes understandable. Ticket to the cinema: 4500 Ft; entrance fee to the nightclub: 2000 Ft–5000 Ft; entrance fee to Csopa: 3600 Ft; average meal in the restaurant: 1990 Ft.
- 2 Flórián Square Shopping Mall (Flórián téri Üzletközpont), III, Flórián tér 6-9 (Flórián tér 1 9 ), ☏ +36 1 439-3810, csapi.ig@csapi.hu. M–F 07:00–19:00, Sa 07:00–14:00; Prima supermarket: M–F 06:30–20:00, Sa 07:00–18:00, Su 07:00–16:00. Shopping center. Services: supermarket, clothes store, post office, bank, optics, pharmacy, fitness studio.
- 3 Kórház Street Market Hall (Kórház utcai Vásárcsarnok), III, Kórház utca 37-41 (Flórián tér 1 9 ), ☏ +36 1 388-8700, csapi.ig@csapi.hu. M 07:00–16:00, Tu–F 06:00–18:00, Sa 06:00–14:00; Házias ízek konyhája Food Bar: M–F 09:00–15:00; Feri a Séf Food Bar: Tu–F 07:00–15:00, Sa 06:00–13:00; Európa Food Bar: M–Sa 07:00–14:30. Services: grocery store, butcher, bakery, food bar. Average meal in the food bar: 1300 Ft.
- 4 RH Delicates, III, Bécsi út 57-59 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 30 019-7617, rhdelikatesz@gmail.com. M–W 07:00–18:00, Th F 07:00–19:00, Sa 08:00–13:00. Delicatessen.
- 5 Príma Pék Delikát, III, Föld utca 59 (Szent Margit Kórház 19 ), ☏ +36 30 708-7085. M–F 07:00–19:00, Sa 07:00–13:00. Delicatessen, bakery and cafe.
- 6 Teavolution, III, Nagyszombat utca 1/c (Nagyszombat utca 9 / Tímár utca H5 ), ☏ +36 30 552-1981, info@teavolution.eu. Tu W F 13:00–18:00, Th 14:00–19:00, Sa 11:00–16:00. Traditional Japanese tea room and shop.
In Óbuda Highlands:
- 7 EuroCenter, III, Bécsi út 154 (Bécsi út / Vörösvári út 1 ), ☏ +36 1 437-4600, info@eurocenterobuda.hu. 07:00–22:00; Interspar Hypermarket: M–Sa 07:00–22:00, Su 08:30–19:30; MiMozink Cinema: M–F 13:00–21:45, Sa Su 11:00–21:45; Vidám Színpad Theatre: M–F 10:00–16:00. Shopping center. Services: hypermarket, cinema, theatre, pet food, food bar, jewelery shop, drugstore, bank, travel agency, shoe store, cafe, beauty salon, indoor playground, casino, bookstore, post office, clothes store, fitness studio, pharmacy. Ticket to the cinema: 1550 Ft for adult, 1200 Ft for senior, student; ticket to the theatre: 3000 Ft–4500 Ft.
- 8 Stop Shop, III, Bécsi út 136 (Váradi utca 19 ). Spar Supermarket: M–F 07:00–21:00, Sa 07:00–20:00, Su 08:00–18:00; AnyTime Restaurant and Cafe: M–Th Su 10:00–00:00, F Sa 10:00–02:00; Pearl Bowling: M–Th 11:00–00:00, F Sa 11:00–02:00. Shopping center. Services: supermarket, technical store, clothes store, bowling, bank, bookstore, drugstore, shoe store, pet food. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. Average meal in the restaurant: 2690 Ft, lunch menu in the restaurant: 1090 Ft, bowling: 4200 Ft–6100 Ft per hour, biliard: 2000 Ft per hour.
- 9 Tesco, III, Bécsi út 258 (Kubik utca 160 ). M–Sa 06:00–22:00, Su 07:00–20:00. Hypermarket.
- 10 Piccante Delicatesse, III, Szépvölgyi út 63/a (Virág Benedek utca 65 ), ☏ +36 1 439-0475, iroda@piccantedelicatesse.hu. M–Sa 08:00–19:00, Su 09:00–18:00. Delicatessen, cafe and breakfast.
editThis page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink: | |
Budget | Under 1500 Ft |
Mid-range | 1500 Ft–2600 Ft |
Splurge | Over 2600 Ft |
editIn Óbuda:
- 1 Athor Étkezde, III, Bécsi út 171 (Szent Margit Kórház 19 ). M–F 10:00–15:00. Food bar. 1200 Ft, lunch menu: 1000 Ft.
- 2 Buda Square, III, Lajos utca 48-66 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 70 451-9456. M–F 11:30–15:00. Self-service restaurant. 1150 Ft, lunch menu: 1150 Ft.
- 3 Déja Vu Restaurant, III, Montevideo utca 3/b (Ürömi utca 29 / Kolosy tér 19 ), ☏ +36 70 333-3288, montevideoetterem@gmail.com. M–Th 08:00–15, F 08:00–14:00. Food bar. 1090 Ft, lunch menu: 1490 Ft.
- 4 Európa Bistro Kifőzde, III, Pacsirtamező utca 34 (Tímár utca 9 ), ☏ +36 70 316-4128, europabisztro@gmail.com. M–F 11:00–15:00. Food bar. 1200 Ft, lunch menu: 990 Ft.
- 5 Flórián Grill and Bistro, III, Polgár utca 8-10 (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 20 200-9977, info@florianbistro.hu. M–F 08:00–15:00, Sa 11:00–15:00. Food bar. 1190 Ft, lunch menu: 1290 Ft.
- 6 Galagonya Étkezde, III, Bokor utca 9 (Katinyi mártírok parkja 19 ), galagonyaetkezde@gmail.com. M–F 07:00–15:00. Food bar. 950 Ft, lunch menu: 1300 Ft.
- 7 Gastro Bistro, III, Lajos utca 106 (Tímár utca H5 ), ☏ +36 20 484-0108, gastro.bisztro@gmail.com. M–F 11:00–14:30. Food bar. 790 Ft, lunch menu: 990 Ft.
- 8 Krumplis Lángos, III, Flórián tér, underpass (Flórián tér 1 9 ). M–F 07:00–19:00, Sa 08:00–14:00. Lángos bar.
- 9 Menza Óbuda, III, Fényes Adolf utca 28 (Tímár utca 9 / Tímár utca H5 ). M–F 08:00–15:00. Self-service restaurant. 900 Ft.
- 10 MyCanteen, III, Perc utca 6 (Tímár utca 9 / Tímár utca H5 ), ☏ +36 30 951-6564, info@mycanteen.hu. M–F 11:00–15:00. Self-service restaurant. 1200 Ft, lunch menu: 1200 Ft.
- 11 Pepita Étkezde, III, Bécsi út 105-107 (Katinyi mártírok parkja 19 ), ☏ +36 70 680-8015, zoltanbarasits@gmail.com. M–F 11:00–17:00. Food bar. 890 Ft, lunch menu: 1100 Ft.
- 12 Pikáns Ételbár, III, Montevideo utca 2/c (Folyondár utca 165 ), ☏ +36 1 400-9037, pikansetelbar@gmail.com. M–F 07:30–15:00. Food bar. 1100 Ft, lunch menu: 1050 Ft.
In Óbuda Highlands:
- 13 Bojtár Büfé, III, Bojtár utca 37 (Csillaghegyi út / Bojtár utca 118 ), ☏ +36 30 330-9911. M–Th 07:00–15:00, F 07:00–14:30. Food bar. 940 Ft, hamburger: 410 Ft.
- 14 Duna Autó, III, Zay utca 24 (Bécsi út / Vörösvári út 1 ), ☏ +36 1 801-4106, etterem@dunaauto.hu. M–F 06:30–15:00. Self-service restaurant. 1130 Ft, lunch menu: 890 Ft.
- 15 Menzay Büfé, III, Zay utca 3 (Bécsi út / Vörösvári út 1 ), ☏ +36 70 381-2599, freminakft@gmail.com. M–F 07:00–14:30. Food bar. Lunch menu: 1050 Ft.
- 16 Pauza Restaurant and Cafe, III, Bécsi út 271 (Bécsi út / Vörösvári út 1 ), ☏ +36 1 999-7600, pauzaetterem@gmail.com. M–F 08:00–16:00. Food bar. 1040 Ft, lunch menu: 1190 Ft.
editIn Óbuda:
- 17 Falat Bistro, III, Bécsi út 57-61 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 1 388-2530, obudaifalat@gmail.com. 11:00–21:00. Food bar. 2100 Ft, lunch menu: 1350 Ft.
- Bécsi Bistro, III, Bécsi út 57-61 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ). M–Th 08:00–18:00, F 08:00–15:00. Fast food bar. Hamburger: 850 Ft.
- 18 Gigler Restaurant (Gigler Vendéglő), III, Föld utca 50/c (Szent Margit Kórház 19 ), ☏ +36 1 368-6078. Tu–Sa 12:00–22:00, Su 12:00–16:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 1700 Ft.
- 19 Grill and Panír, III, Kolosy tér 5-7 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 1 250 5051. M–F 11:00–21:00, Sa Su 12:00–17:00. Food bar. 1250 Ft, hamburger: 1280 Ft, lunch menu: 990 Ft.
- 20 Happy Facer, III, Bécsi út 103 (Katinyi mártírok parkja 19 ), ☏ +36 20 611-8695, info@happyfacer.hu. M–Th 10:00–22:00, F Sa 10:00–23:00, Su 12:00–22:00. Fast food bar. Hamburger: 990 Ft.
- 21 MealBox, III, Montevideo utca 9 (Ürömi utca 29 / Kolosy tér 19 ), ☏ +36 30 133-9269, mealboxkft@gmail.com. M–F 07:30–15:00. Food bar. 1790 Ft.
- 22 Office Bistro, III, Szépvölgyi út 15 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), info@officebistro.hu. M–F 07:30–16:00. Food bar. Lunch menu: 1250 Ft.
- 23 Padthai Wokbar, III, Bécsi út 53 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 30 788-1782, info@padthaiwokbar.com. 11:00–22:30. Asian food bar. 1970 Ft.
- 24 Pasta Finucci, III, Szentendrei út 4 (Raktár utca 9 ), ☏ +36 1 950-0238, pastafinucci@gmail.com. 11:00–21:40. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 2040 Ft, pizza: 1790 Ft.
- 25 Pinocchio Pizzeria and Caffetteria, III, Bécsi út 121 (Selmeci utca 19 ), ☏ +36 20 318-4874. M–Sa 11:00–22:00. Italian pizzeria and pasta bar. 1590 Ft, pizza: 1990 Ft.
- 26 Pizza Paradicsom, III, Vörösvári út 13 (Óbudai rendelőintézet 1 ), ☏ +36 1 439-1988, info@pizzaparadicsom.hu. 24 hours daily. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 2260 Ft, pizza: 1930 Ft, hamburger: 1720 Ft.
- 27 Torkos Büfé, III, Szél utca 3-5 (Flórián tér 1 9 ), ☏ +36 1 367-2670. M–F 07:00–15:30. Food bar. 1280 Ft.
- 28 Vidocq Restaurant, III, Lajos utca 98 (Nagyszombat utca 9 / Tímár utca H5 ), ☏ +36 1 240-3937, etterem@vidocq.hu. 12:00–23:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria with local cuisine. 2220 Ft, pizza: 1680 Ft, lunch menu: 1060 Ft.
In Óbuda Highlands:
- 29 Kisbojtár Restaurant (Kisbojtár Vendéglő), III, Bojtár utca 29 (Kisbojtár utca 118 ), ☏ +36 1 367-5440, kisbojtarobuda@gmail.com. 12:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2300 Ft, lunch menu: 980 Ft.
- 30 Papírtigris, III, Bécsi út 170 (Bécsi út / Vörösvári út 1 ), ☏ +36 1 631-3522, info@papirtigris.com. 10:30–22:00. Traditional restaurant with Asian pasta, wok and sushi. 2300 Ft.
editIn Óbuda:
- 31 Asli, III, Kolosy tér 5 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 1 952-1361. Tu–Th Su 12:00–20:00, F Sa 12:00–22:00. Restaurant with authentic Indonesian cuisine. 2400 Ft.
- 32 Harapó Mókus Restaurant (Harapó Mókus Vendéglő), III, Zápor utca 69 (Óbudai rendelőintézet 1 ), ☏ +36 1 388-6151, vendeglo@harapomokus.hu. 12:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2590 Ft, lunch menu: 1640 Ft.
- 33 Kéhli Restaurant (Kéhli Vendéglő), III, Mókus utca 22 (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 1 368-0613, info@kehli.t-online.hu. 12:00–00:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2990 Ft.
- 34 Kerék Restaurant (Kerék Vendéglő), III, Bécsi út 103 (Katinyi mártírok parkja 19 ), ☏ +36 1 250-4261, kerekvendeglo@gmail.com. 12:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2690 Ft, lunch menu: 990 Ft.
- 35 Okuyama, III, Kolosy tér 5-6 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 1 250-8256. Tu–Su 13:00-21:00. Traditional restaurant with Japanese cuisine. 3000 Ft.
- 36 Pastrami Restaurant, III, Lajos utca 93-99 (Nagyszombat utca 9 / Tímár utca H5 ), ☏ +36 1 430-1731, pastrami@pastrami.hu. 08:00–23:00. Traditional restaurant with international cuisine. 2900 Ft.
- 37 Royal Sipos Restaurant, III, Fő tér 6 (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 70 635-0524, ujsiposroyal@gmail.com. M–F 10:30–23:00, Sa Su 11:00–23:00. Buffet restaurant. 2990 Ft for 120–150 min.
- 38 Rozmaring Garden Restaurant (Rozmaring Kertvendéglő), III, Árpád fejedelem útja 125 (Tímár utca H5 ), ☏ +36 1 367-1301, info@rozmaringkertvendeglo.hu. M–Th 12:00–23:00, F–Sa 12:00–00:00, Su 12:00–16:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2900 Ft.
- 39 Semmi Extra, III, Lajos utca 46 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 1 950-6771, semmiextrakert@semmiextra.hu. M–F 09:00–00:00, Sa Su 12:00–00:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2690 Ft, hamburger: 1350 Ft, lunch menu: 1200 Ft.
- 40 Stelázsi Restaurant, III, Nagyszombat utca 3 (Nagyszombat utca 9 / Tímár utca H5 ), ☏ +36 1 631-3624, stelazsi@stelazsietterem.hu. 10:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2690 Ft, lunch menu: 1660 Ft.
- 41 Sushi Sei, III, Bécsi út 58 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 30 435-0567, info@sushisei.hu. M–Th Su 12:00–22:00, F–Sa 12:00–23:00. Traditional restaurant with Japanese cuisine. 3100 Ft.
- 42 Wasabi, III, Szépvölgyi út 15 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 1 430 1056, wasabi@wasabi.hu. 11:00-23:00. Traditional restaurant with Japanese, Koran and Thai cuisine, including sushi and wok. 2780 Ft, lunch menu: 1590 Ft.
In Óbuda Highlands:
- 43 Lashka Pasta Workshop (Lashka Tésztaműhely), III, Folyondár utca 22-24 (Mikoviny utca 165 ), ☏ +36 30 265-9688, info@lashka.hu. M–Sa 08:00–19:00. Traditional restaurant with international pasta specialties. 2850 Ft.
- 44 Dallas Restaurant, III, Zay utca 5 (Bécsi út / Vörösvári út 1 ), ☏ +36 70 779-6520, dallasetterem@dallasetterem.hu. M–Th Su 11:00–23:00, F Sa 11:00–00:00. Traditional restaurant with local and American cuisine. 2990 Ft, hamburger: 1450 Ft, lunch menu: 1190 Ft.
- 45 Hangár Bistro, III, Hármashatárhegyi út 3 (2 km (1.2 mi) walk from Szépvölgyi dűlő 65 ), ☏ +36 70 215-9620, info@hangarbistro.hu. W–Su 11:00–17:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2390 Ft.
- 46 Ínyenc Kert, III, Vörösvári út 131 (Bécsi út / Vörösvári út 1 ), ☏ +36 30 476-1316, info@inyenckert.hu. M–Th Su 11:00–23:00, F Sa 11:00–01:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2550 Ft, lunch menu: 1050 Ft.
editCafes and breakfast
- 1 Átjáró Cafe, III, Galagonya utca 5 (Katinyi mártírok parkja 19 ). M–F 07:30–17:30, Sa 08:00–12:00. Cafe and breakfast.
- 2 Cafe Monte, III, Montevideo utca 9 (Ürömi utca 29 / Kolosy tér 19 ), ☏ +36 30 338 0117. M–Th 08:00–18:00, F 08:00–17:00. Cafe, lunch and breakfast. Lunch menu: 1150 Ft.
- 3 Cafe Padru, III, Szőlő utca 80 (Flórián tér 1 9 ), cafepadru@gmail.com. M–F 08:00–16:30, Sa 08:00–13:00. Cafe and breakfast.
- 4 Cafe Teide, III, Montevideo utca 7 (Ürömi utca 29 / Kolosy tér 19 ), ☏ +36 20 999-1931. M–Th 08:00–18:00, F 08:00–17:00. Cafe, lunch and breakfast. Lunch menu: 1980 Ft.
- 5 Emily and Mazsola, III, Bogdáni út 12 (Óbuda, Bogdáni út 9 ), emilymazsola@gmail.com. M–F 06:00–17:00, Sa 08:00–17:00, Su 08:00–15:00. Cafe, lunch and breakfast. Lunch menu: 1100 Ft.
- 6 Flat White, III, Szépvölgyi út 15 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 30 420 8415, hello@flat-white.hu. Cafe: M–F 08:00–19:00, Sa–Su 08:00–18:00. Cafe, lunch and breakfast. Average meal: 2090 Ft, lunch menu: 1890 Ft.
- 7 Habcsók Cafe, III, Bokor utca 15-19 (Katinyi mártírok parkja 19 ), ☏ +36 20 585-1050, habcsokcafe@gmail.com. M–F 09:00–20:00, Sa 10:00–18:00. Cafe and breakfast.
- 8 Málna Cafe, III, Bokor utca 6 (Katinyi mártírok parkja 19 ), ☏ +36 30 725-7580, malnacsokiteakave@gmail.com. M–F 08:00–18:00. Cafe, lunch and breakfast. Lunch menu: 990 Ft.
- 9 Pillangó Cafe, III, Vörösvári út 37 (Óbudai rendelőintézet 1 ). M–F 10:00–18:00, Sa 10:00–16:00. Cafe and breakfast.
- 10 Plēz Cafe, III, Csemete utca 10 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ). M–F 09:00–19:00, Sa Su 10:00–19:00. Cafe and breakfast.
- 11 Reggelitt, III, Szentendrei út 6 (Raktár utca 9 ), info@reggelitt.hu. M–F 06:30–17:00, Sa 09:30–15:00. Cafe and breakfast.
- 12 Repülő Seprű, III, Pacsirtamező utca 36 (Tímár utca 9 ), ☏ +36 70 429-3692. Th–Su 12:00–21:00. Cafe and breakfast.
- 13 Szendvicsvarázs, III, Vörösvári út 1 (Flórián tér 1 9 ), ☏ +36 20 942-6292, szendvicsvarazs@gmail.com. M–F 08:00–15:00. Cafe and breakfast. Hamburger: 650 Ft.
- 14 Umpa-Lumpa Cafe, III, Selmeci utca 19 (Selmeci utca 19 ), ☏ +36 30 250-1377, info@chocollection.hu. M–F 07:00–19:00, Sa 08:00–12:00. Cafe and breakfast.
- 15 Vasmacska KávéZoo, III, Laktanya utca 3 (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 1 426-8553, vasmacska@vasmacska-kavezoo.hu. M Su 11:00–19:00, Tu–Sa 11:00–21:00. Cafe, lunch and breakfast. Lunch menu: 1290 Ft.
Cafe and confectionery
edit- 16 Álomsüti, III, Lajos utca 51. (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 20 237-7820, info.alomsuti@gmail.com. 10:00–18:00. Sugar-free confectionery.
- 17 Cake M Shop, III, Lajos utca 93-99 (Nagyszombat utca 9 / Tímár utca H5 ), ☏ +36 30 956-6363, info@cakem.hu. M–F 11:00–19:00, Sa 11:00–15:00. Confectionery and cafe.
- 18 Cukiságok Műhelye, III, Bécsi út 67 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 70 257-4789. M–F 08:30–16:30, Sa 09:00–12:00. Confectionery and cafe.
- 19 Don Bosco Confectionery, III, Bécsi út 177 (Szent Margit Kórház 19 ), ☏ +36 20 771-6570, donboscocukraszda@gmail.com. M–Sa 09:00–19:00, Su 08:30–19:00. Confectionery and cafe.
- 20 Gera Confectionery, III, Ágoston utca 2 (Óbudai rendelőintézet 1 ), ☏ +36 30 331-8185, geracukraszda@gmail.com. 10:00–18:00. Confectionery and cafe.
- 21 Koch-Danica Confectionery, III, Vörösvári út 41 (Óbudai rendelőintézet 1 ), ☏ +36 1 242-1731, kapcsolat@cukraszda.net. May–Sep: 09:00–19:00, Oct–Apr: 09:00–18:00. Confectionery and cafe. Pastries, cake, round cake, sweet biscuit, wedding cake, ice creams, specials, form cakes.
- 22 Málna The Pastry Shop, III, Bécsi út 57-61 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 1 240-0688. W–Su 10:00–18:00. French-style confectionery and cafe.
- 23 Mókus Cafe, III, Kerék utca 34 (Óbuda, Bogdáni út 9 ), ☏ +36 30 351-1581, mpmoki@gmail.com. M–F 09:00–19:00, Sa–Su 10:00–19:30. Cafe and ice cream shop.
- 24 NoS (No Added Sugar), III, Bécsi út 193 (Szent Margit Kórház 19 ), ☏ +36 20 574-4747, info@noscakes.hu. Tu–Fr 12:00–19:00, Sa Su 10:00–16:00. Confectionery and cafe without sugar.
- 25 Panna, III, Csemete utca 1 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 70 625-9153, office@redwoodholding.hu. 10:00–18:00. Cafe, Belgian waffles and ice cream.
- 26 Süti-lak, III, Vörösvári út 9 (Flórián tér 1 9 ), ☏ +36 20 387-8710. M–F 07:00–17:00, Sa 07:00–14:00. Confectionery and cafe.
- 27 Szeretszvagyigen, III, Solymár utca 10 (Kiscelli utca 9 ), ☏ +36 70 272-3404, szeretszvagyigen@gmail.com. Tu–F 11:00–18:00, Sa 10:00–14:00. Gluten-free, lactose-free and sugar-free confectionery and cafe.
- 28 Tortavár Confectionery, III, Bécsi út 231 (Bécsi út / Vörösvári út 1 ), ☏ +36 1 244-4524, tortavar@tortavar.hu. M–F 10:00–18:00, Sa Su 10:00–16:00. Confectionery and cafe.
- 29 Tu-Ri Confectionery, III, Szőlő utca 70 (Flórián tér 1 9 ), ☏ +36 1 368-0598, tu-ri@freemail.hu. M W–Su 10:00–18:00. Confectionery and cafe.
- 30 Emil Confectionery, III, Bécsi út 314 (Bóbita utca 260 ), ☏ +36 1 240-7535. Tu–Su 10:30–18:30. Confectionery and cafe.
edit- 31 Abszint Bar, III, Ágoston utca 6 (Óbudai rendelőintézet 1 ), ☏ +36 20 950-2229. 09:00–22:00.
- 32 Árkád Pub and Cafe, III, Kórház utca 7 (Flórián tér 1 ), ☏ +36 30 977-4201. M–Th Su 12:00–23:00, F Sa 12:00–01:00.
- 33 Beer Company Premium Beer Terrace, III, Árpád fejedelem útja 125 (Tímár utca H5 ), ☏ +36 1 250 4799. M–Th Su 14:00–23:00, F–Sa 14:00–01:00.
- 34 Fonódó Poharazó, III, Bécsi út 88 (Katinyi mártírok parkja 19 ), ☏ +36 30 363-0891. M–Th 10:00–23:00, F 10:00–01:00, Sa 16:00–01:00.
- 35 Gödör Pub, III, Lajos utca 49/c (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ). M–Th Su 09:00–23:00, F Sa 09:00–01:00.
- 36 Kis Dreher Pub (Kis Dreher Söröző), III, Kórház utca 1 (Szentlélek tér H5 ). 14:00–22:00.
- 37 Legenda Pub, III, Pacsirtamező utca 28 (Tímár utca 9 ), ☏ +36 20 955-0794, legendasorfozde@gmail.com. M–Th 15:00–23:00, F Sa 15:00–01:00.
- 38 Mint Cafe, III, Miklós utca 1 (Flórián tér 1 9 ). M–Th 10:00–23:00, F 10:00–01:00, Sa 16:00–01:00, Su 16:00–23:00.
- 39 Mirabella Pub, III, Bécsi út 231 (Bécsi út / Vörösvári út 1 ), mirabella.becsi@gmail.com. M–Th Su 09:00–23:00, F Sa 09:00–01:00.
- 40 Nívó Drink Bar, III, Flórián tér, underpass (Flórián tér 1 9 ). M–F 12:00–00:00, Sa Su 14:00–00:00.
- 41 Szőlőfürt Pub (Szőlőfürt Borozó), III, Föld utca 51 (Szent Margit Kórház 19 ). 08:00–21:00.
Bars and nightclubs
edit- 42 Kobuci Kert, III, Fő tér 1, Zichy Palace yard (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 70 205-7282, kobuci@kobuci.hu. May–Sep: M–F 16:00–04:00, Sa–Su 11:00–04:00. Concert venue and beer garden. Pub food, beverages (hundred types), local bands. Entrance fee for the concerts: 2000 Ft–3000 Ft.
- 43 Mókus Bistro, III, Mókus utca 1-3 (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 70 434-9156, hello.mokusbisztro@gmail.com. M–Th Su 11:30–23:00, F Sa 11:30–01:00. Bar with some food.
- 44 Pódium Bistro and Club, III, Bécsi út 63 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 20 485-8485, podium@podiumbistro.hu. M–Th Su 11:30–00:00, F Sa 11:30–04:00. Bar.
- 45 Supersonic (Blue Hell and KVLT), III, Fényes Adolf utca 28 (Tímár utca 9 / Tímár utca H5 ), ☏ +36 70 771-6666, info@yuk.hu. F–Sa 19:00–03:00. Nightclub. Entrance fee: 1000 Ft–3500 Ft.
- 46 Symbol, III, Bécsi út 56 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 1 333-5656, info@symbolbudapest.hu. Oct–Apr: Sa 22:00-05:00. Nightclub. Entrance fee: 2000 Ft–4000 Ft.
editThis guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: | |
Budget | Under 14,000 Ft |
Mid-range | 14,000 Ft–20,000 Ft |
Splurge | Over 20,000 Ft |
edit- 1 Bécsi Hostel, III, Bécsi út 122/a (Selmeci utca 19 ), ☏ +36 20 483-9346, budaiszallas@gmail.com. Check-in: 11:00, check-out: 10:00. 3 shared rooms. Shared room: 5000 Ft per person.
- 2 Lajos Rotter Hostel, III, Hármashatárhegyi út 3 (2 km (1.2 mi) walk from Szépvölgyi dűlő 65 ), ☏ +36 1 919-0108, turistahaz@hhkk.hu. Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 10:00. 8 private rooms and 6 shared rooms. Shared room: 5000 Ft per person, private room for two persons: 13,000 Ft.
edit- 3 Ági Guesthouse, III, Jablonka út 20 (Judit utca 237 ), ☏ +36 1 250-3705, agipanzio-obuda@t-online.hu. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Single room: 15,800 Ft, double room: 19,000 Ft.
- 4 Dojo Motel, III, Farkastorki út 21 (Táborhegyi út 137 ), ☏ +36 30 209-8182. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 5 rooms. Double room: 15,000 Ft.
- 5 Green Apartment, III, Váradi utca 26 (Óbudai rendelőintézet 1 / Váradi utca 19 ), ☏ +36 30 966-6159. Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 10:00. Apartment for two person: 19,157 Ft.
edit- 6 Aquincum Hotel, III, Árpád fejedelem útja 94 (Szentlélek tér H5 ), ☏ +36 1 436-4100, fax: +36 1 436-4156, info@aquincumhotel.com. 4-star. Free Wifi. Spa and wellness centre. There is special thermal water derived directly from nearby Margaret Island. Services include a swimming pool, two thermal pools, a Finnish sauna, steam baths and Jacuzzi. Double room: 32,685 Ft.
- 7 Minimal Style Apartment, III, Tímár utca 30 (Tímár utca 9 / Katinyi mártírok parkja 19 ), ☏ +36 30 2101-691, info@bms-apartment.com. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Apartment for two person: 29,321 Ft.
- 8 Óbuda-Újlak Apartment, III, Dereglye utca 4 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 70 339-7271. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. Double room: 22,400 Ft.
edit- 1 Budapest 3 Post Office, III, Kiscelli utca 7-9 (Kiscelli utca 9 / Flórián tér 1 ), ☏ +36 1 388-9318, ugyfelszolgalat@posta.hu. M–F 08:00–19:00.
- 2 Budapest 30 Post Office, III, Kolossy tér 5-6 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 1 250-8282, ugyfelszolgalat@posta.hu. M–F 08:00–19:00.