eastern portion of the Pest portion of Budapest in Hungary

East Pest is in Budapest. This article describes Districts XVI and XVII (Rákosmente).


Map of Budapest/East Pest

District XVI


The district was created by uniting five villages in 1950, and annexing them to Budapest. These villages were: Árpádföld, Cinkota, Mátyásföld, Sashalom, Rákosszentmihály. It is located on both banks of the Szilas Creek, where meeting the plain of Pest and the Gödöllő Hills.

The northern part of its is Árpádföld, former separate Árpád and Anna settlements, which belonged to Cinkota village before was created Great Budapest (1950). Mátyásföld also began as an independent settlement, which is located on a plateau which is on same level as the Gellért Hill. Rákosszentmihály was named (earlier) Pusztaszentmihály, owned by the nuns community of Nyulak Island (now Margaret Island). Sashalom belonged for a long time to Cinkota and it was known as Postás (Postman) and later Cinkota-Ehmann Colony.

District XVII


Rákosmente was created by uniting four villages in 1950, and annexing them to Budapest. These villages were: Rákoskeresztúr, Rákoscsaba, Rákosliget, Rákoshegy. All these villages included the name of the little stream Rákos. Rákoskeresztúr was first mentioned in 1265 as name Pousaracusa. Under Turkish rule, the area was depopulated.

Get in


To Sashalom, Mátyásföld, Cinkota from the center:

  • From Örs vezér tere  M2  by  H8  or  H9  to 1 Nagyicce, 2 Sashalom, 3 Mátyásföld, repülőtér, 4 Mátyásföld, Imre utca or 5 Cinkota.

To Rákosszentmihály from the center:

  • From Örs vezér tere  M2  by  31 ,  131 ,  231  to 6 Pálya utca, or by  144 ,  174 ,  244  to 7 József utca
  • From Puskás Ferenc Stadion  M2  by  130  to Pálya utca

To Rákoskeresztúr from the center:

  • From Keleti pályaudvar  M2  M4  by  S80  to 8 Rákosliget Train Station.
  • From Örs vezér tere  M2  by  97E ,  161 ,  169E  or  261E  to 9 Rákoskeresztúr, városközpont.
  • From Kőbánya–Kispest  M3  by  201E  or  202E  to Rákoskeresztúr, városközpont.

Public transport map: District XVI, Rákosmente

By bike

  • From Örs vezér tere by Kerepesi út–Veres Péter út along bikeway to Sashalom, Mátyásföld and Cinkota.
  • Between Rákosszentmihály and Cinkota by Szilas Stream along bikeway.

District XVI


Rákosszentmihály, Sashalom

Saint Michael Parish Church
  • 1 Kertváros Observation Tower (Kertvárosi kilátó), XVI, Reformátorok tere (József utca  144 ), +36 1 401 1400, . M–Th 07:30–19:30, F–Su 07:30–21:30. 22 m (72 ft) high tower. Free entrance.
  • 2 Reformation Monument (Reformáció-emlékmű), XVI, Reformátorok tere (József utca  144 ). Memorial place for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. The work of sculptor Mária R. Törley depicts János Kálvin, Márton Luther and István Bocskai, and in the middle there is a 3 m (9.8 ft) high well, which symbolizes respect for Hungarian cultural and historical roots and the need for constant renewal. Reformers Square (Budapest) (Q42868364) on Wikidata
  • 3 Gizella Mansion (Gizella-kastély), XVI, Egyenes utca 21-23 (Egyenes utcai lakótelep  276E ). Only from outside. This is a hillside mansion with outbuildings. Built circa 1790. The main facade of gardenside (to West) is a storey. The facade facing to yard (to East) has only ground floor. The building has covered with gable roof, the shell of its is plain tile. The Eastern side portico supported by four Tuscan columns. The facade of east is decorated with triangular tympanum which include a coat of arms with G.Z. initials. The builder was Earl János Festetich. There is a farm building with wooden porch and two wings, located on the northern part of the yard. The building had been in ruins for decades. Now inhabited again, is privately owned.
  • 4 Saint Michael Parish Church (Szent Mihály plébániatemplom), XVI, Templom tér 3 (Szent Korona utca  277 ), +36 1 405-5869, . Built in 1902. Saint Michael church in Budapest, Rákosszentmihály (Q25478378) on Wikidata


Villa in Old Mátyásföld
  • 5 Local History Collection (Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény), XVI, Veres Péter út 157 (Mátyásföld, Imre utca  H8  H9 ), +36 1 604-8342, . M–Th 09:00–16:00, F 09:00–14:00. Free entrance.
  • Villa Quarter in Old Mátyásföld (Ó-Mátyásföld villanegyede). Many of the renovated building can be found here. Some of its is local protected building.
    • 6 Antoniette Holyday House (Antoinette-nyaraló), XVI, Mészáros József utca 15 (Mátyásföld, repülőtér  H8  H9 ). Built in 1898. It was owned by architect Ferenc Paulheim, who was one of the founder of this quarter.
    • 7 Dozzi Villa (Dozzi-villa), XVI, Májusfa utca 5 (Mátyásföld, repülőtér  H8  H9 ). Built in 1905 in Art-Nouveau style.
    • 8 József Paulheim's Villa (Paulheim József villája), XVI, Diósy Lajos utca 21 (Mátyásföld, repülőtér  H8  H9 ).
    • 9 Villa, XVI, Diósy Lajos utca 23 (Mátyásföld, repülőtér  H8  H9 ). Built in 1898.
    • 10 Villa, XVI, Pilóta utca 17 (Mátyásföld, repülőtér  H8  H9 ).
    • 11 Villa, XVI, Szilágyi Mihály utca 16 (Mátyásföld, repülőtér  H8  H9 ).
  • 12 Saint Joseph Parish Church (Szent József plébániatemplom), XVI, Paulheim József tér 1 (Mátyásföld, repülőtér  H8  H9 ), +36 1 407-2855, . Built in 1905.

Cinkota, Árpádföld

Ilonka Tóth Memorial House
  • 13 Cinkota Heritage House (Cinkotai Tájház), XVI, Batthyány Ilona utca 16 (Batthyány Ilona utca  45 ), +36 1 604-8342, . Only by appointment. One storey house. This was typical a hundred ago in the neighborhood. Small exhibition. Free entrance.
  • 14 Ilonka Tóth Memorial House (Tóth Ilonka Emlékház), XVI, Állás utca 57 (Menyhért utca  31 ), +36 1 604-8342, . Only by appointment. It was the home of the medical student Ilonka Tóth, who was a martyr of the 1956 revolution. The exhibition shows the life of her family in the 1950s. Free entrance.
  • 15 Kertváros Farmyard (Kertvárosi Tanyaudvar), XVI, Sarjú út 5 (Mátyásföld alsó  H8  H9 ), +36 20 593-5266, . Sa Su 10:00–16:00. An exhibition shows the native farm animals of Hungarian homesteads. Adult: 500 Ft; senior, student: 300 Ft; children: 200 Ft.
  • 16 Lutheran Church in Cinkota (Cinkotai evangélikus templom), XVI, Rózsalevél utca 46 (Rózsalevél utca  45  / Ilonatelep  H8 ). Built in 1705 in Baroque style, based on 12th century foundations.
  • 17 Mary Magdalene Parish Church (Mária Magdolna plébániatemplom), Batthyány Ilona utca 23 (Batthyány Ilona utca  45 ), +36 30 263-8524, . Built in 1757 in Baroque style.
  • 18 Lake Naplás (Naplás-tó), XVI (1 km (0.62 mi) walk from Erdei bekötőút  46 ). It is an artificial lake, it has also stream and forest. Rare flora and fauna. Boating and fishing, walking and cycling activities can be done in this place. The protected natural area since 1997. The official name "flood control reservoir of Szilas creek" (Szilas-pataki árvízvédelmi tározó). The lake formed in 1978 through the backwater of Szilas creek. The area was declared as protected land because there, around the lake, the surrounding reeds and lower and upper meadow of the 'valley' of the Silas creek, evolved a rich flora and fauna. A protected plant species are found here, such as ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris), different Orchids, Siberian Iris, cottongrass. Among the protected species here are praying mantis (Mantis religiosa) and European Peacock (Inachis io). The lake and the surrounding reeds provides nesting and resting place to one of the richest bird population in Budapest. Also in the 150 hectares (370 acres) area includes the neighboring forest of Cinkota with its sandy grassland remnants. Free to visit. Lake Naplás (Q1215492) on Wikidata Lake Naplás on Wikipedia
    • 19 Lake Naplás Observation Tower (Naplás-tavi kilátó), XVI (1 km (0.62 mi) walk from Erdei bekötőút  46 ). 22 m (72 ft) height tower near to Lake Naplás. Free to visit.

District XVII

Renée Erdős House


Corvin Community House – Erzsébetliget Theatre

In District XVI:

In District XVII:


Kertváros Observation Tower

In District XVI:

  • 12 Chocolate Exhibition (Csokoládékiállítás), XVI, Bekecs utca 22 (Árpádföld, Bekecs utca  31 ), +36 30 822-1881, . Chocolate tasting and making. The building was built in 1902. 6990 Ft.
  • 13 Havashalom Park, XVI (Budapesti út  277 ).
  • 14 Hermina Sport Park, XVI (Állás utca  31 ).
  • 15 Sashalmi Forest (Sashalmi-erdő), XVI (Rákosi út  144 ). The 8.3 hectares (21 acres) forest area behind the RAFC sports field includes a playground, a football field and a forest training ground. It is the boundary XIV and XVI. districts in the part surrounded by Szolnoki út, Budapesti út and Pirosrózsa utca. It is maintained by the Budapest Forestry of Pilisi Parkerdő Zrt. A Sashalmi forest educational trail (entrance at the corner of Szolnoki út and Remény utca) was established in 2015 (non-protected area, at 7 stations on a 350 m (1,150 ft) long route) by the students and teachers of the Neumann János Secondary School of Computer Technology. Free to visit.

In District XVII:

  • 16 Promenade along Rákos Creek (Rákos-patak menti sétány), XVII (Rákosliget vasútállomás  98 ). 4 km (2.5 mi) long walkway along the Rákos creek.
  • 17 Népkert Park, XVII (Bakancsos utca  97E ). Free to visit.
  • 18 Keresztúri Forest (Keresztúri-erdő), XVII (Újmajori utca  168E ). There is an educational trail, a running trail and an orienteering trail. Free to visit.


Erzsébetliget Swimming Pool

In District XVI:

  • 19 Árpádföld Tennis Club, XVI, Állás utca 33 (Menyhért utca  31 ), +36 30 871-6191, . 06:00–20:00. 1200 Ft1900 Ft per hour.
  • 20 Cinkota Horse Yard, XVI, Vidámvásár utca 143 (Nagytarcsai út / Simongát utca  46 ), +36 70 361-9800. Riding training.
  • 21 Erzsébetliget Swimming Pool (Erzsébetligeti uszoda), XVI, Újszász utca 106-108 (Újszász utca  276E ), +36 1 402-2148, . M–F 06:00–22:00, Sa Su 08:00–20:00. Services: two swimming pools (a 25 m, 27℃ six-lane swimming pool and a 13 m, 32℃ training pool; jacuzzi for 16-person); Finnish and infrared saunas; solarium; massage; grassy sunbathing area (sun loungers, outdoor showers, playground), other sports (table tennis, badminton, volleyball); free cloakroom and safe; swimming school (child, adult education); hairdressing, cosmetics, manicure; snack bar, eco store; fitness. Adult: 1800 Ft; senior, student: 990 Ft for 3 hours.
  • 22 Favorit Riding Hall, XVI, Mókus utca 23 (1 km (0.62 mi) walk from Kisszentmihály, Baross utca  131 ), +36 30 966-9992, .
  • 23 Gi Boulder Club, XVI, Pesti határút 1 (Galgahévíz utca  45 ), +36 30 486-0172, . M–F 15:00–22:00, Sa Su 13:00–22:00. Wall climbing. Adult: 2000 Ft, student: 1500 Ft.
  • 24 Metro RSC, XVI, Csömöri út 158 (János utca  130 ), +36 70 679-3600, . 06:00–22:00. Tennis courts. 3000 Ft4900 Ft per hour.
  • 25 Szentmihály Swimming Pool (Szentmihályi uszoda), XVI, Segesvár utca 16 (Baross utca  130 ), +36 1 402-2175, . M–F 06:00–22:00, Sa Su 08:00–20:00. Snack bar; female fitness studio; swimming lessons. Adult: 1800 Ft; senior, student: 990 Ft for 3 hours.
Maros Mozi

In District XVII:

Podmaniczky–Vigyázó Mansion

In District XVI:

  • 1 Market of Sashalom, XVI, Sashalmi tér 1 (Sashalmi tér  277 ), +36 1 950-1785, . M Tu 06:00–16:00, W–F 06:00–18:00, Sa 06:00–14:00, Su 06:00–12:00; Melan'Goo Food Bar: M–W 08:00–16:00, Th F 08:00–19:00, Sa 08:00–15:00. Services: grocery store, butcher, bakery, flowers, confectionery. Hamburger in the food bar: 1490 Ft.
  • 2 Príma, XVI, Jókai Mór utca 2. (Mátyásföld, repülőtér  H8  H9 ), +36 1 401-0593, . M–F 06:00–20:00, Sa 06:30–18:00. Supermarket.
  • 3 Spar, XVI, Veres Péter utca 47 (Sashalom  H8  H9 ), +36 20 823-7789, . M–F 07:00–20:00, Sa 07:00–17:00, Su 08:00–16:00. Supermarket.
  • 4 Fuudi Deli and Cafe, XVI, György utca 1 (Csömöri út / György utca  130 ), . M–F 11:00–19:00, Sa 08:00–16:00. Delicatessen, cafe and breakfast.
  • 5 HáziCo., XVI, Veres Péter út 123 (Mátyásföld, repülőtér  H8  H9 ), +36 50 106-9263, . Tu W 13:00–18:30, Th F 10:00–18:30, Sa 09:30–12:00. Small farmer's delicatessen.
  • 6 Veranda Delikát, XVI, Újszász utca 43 (Jókai Mór utca (Újszász utca)  45 ), +36 1 361-8499, . M–F 06:30–18:00, Sa 07:00–13:00. Delicatessen, cafe and breakfast.

In District XVII:

  • 7 Bakancsos Street Flea Market, XVII, Madárka utca (Szürkebegy utca  67 ), +36 20 988-9133. Sa Su 06:00–13:00.
  • 8 HomeCenter, XVII, Pesti út 237 (Oroszvár utca  97E ), +36 1 253-8383, . M–Sa 10:00–18:00. Shopping center.
  • 9 Keresztúr Market (Keresztúr Piac), XVII, Kaszáló utca 47 (Rákoskeresztúr, városközpont  97E ). M–F 06:00–18:00, Sa 06:00–14:00. Services: grocery store, butcher, bakery.
  • 10 Spar, XVII, Pesti út 169 (Rákoskeresztúr, városközpont  97E ), +36 20 823-7772, . M–F 06:30–21:00, Sa 06:30–16:00, Su 07:00–15:00. Supermarket.
  • 11 Tesco, XVII, Pesti út 5-7 (513. utca  97E ), toll-free: +36 80 222-333, . M–Sa 06:00–22:00, Su 07:00–20:00. Hypermarket.
  • 12 Black Szuppé, XVII, Pesti út 2 (509. utca  161 ), +36 70 417-6632, . M–Sa 06:30–19:00, Su 08:00–18:00. Delicatessen, cafe, lunch and breakfast. Lunch menu: 1390 Ft.
This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink:
BudgetUnder 1900 Ft
Mid-range1900 Ft2600 Ft
SplurgeOver 2600 Ft


Reformation Monument

In District XVI:

In District XVII:


Lutheran Church in Cinkota

In District XVI:

In District XVII:


Corner's Pizzeria (left) and Pub (center)

In District XVI:

In District XVII:

  • 40 Bistro 17, XVII, Pesti út 165 (Rákoskeresztúr, városközpont  97E ), +36 20 463-5257, . M Su 11:30–21:00, Tu–Sa 11:30–22:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria with international cuisine. 2960 Ft, lunch menu: 1540 Ft.
  • 41 Jókonyha, XVII, Péceli út 156 (Óvónő utca  169E ), +36 70 882-2432, . M–Sa 11:00–22:00, Su 11:00–20:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria with international cuisine. 2590 Ft, pizza: 1990 Ft, lunch menu: 1490 Ft.
  • 42 La Donna Pizzeria, XVII, Pesti út 34 (Kis utca  97E ), +36 1 256-8662, . M–Th Su 12:00–22:00, F Sa 12:00–23:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 2290 Ft, pizza: 1990 Ft, lunch menu: 1290 Ft.
  • 43 Lidi Mama's Kitchen (Lidi Mama Konyhája), XVII, Vadkacsa utca 57 (Uszoda  67 ), +36 20 444-1800, . Tu–Th 11:00–17:00, F Sa 11:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant. 1990 Ft, lunch menu: 1390 Ft.
  • 44 Tacuba Café, XVII, Hajdúcsárda utca 5 (513. utca  97E ), +36 1 258-0424, . M–Th Su 11:00–22:00, F Sa 11:00–23:00. Steakhouse with international cuisine. 2690 Ft, lunch menu: 1400 Ft.
  • 45 Törzshely, XVII, Ferihegyi út 26 (Hősök tere  276E ), +36 30 195-1283, . M–Sa 07:00–22:00, Su 08:00–20:00. Traditional restaurant and cafe. 2590 Ft, pizza: 1790 Ft, lunch menu: 1690 Ft.


Reformed Church in Rákoscsaba

Cafe and breakfast


In District XVI:

In District XVII:

Cafe and confectionery


In District XVI:

Our Lady of Hungary Church

In District XVII:


Lake Naplás

In District XVI:

  • 29 Állomás Presszó, XVI, Batsányi János út 2 (Sashalom  H8  H9 ). 14:00–22:00.
  • 30 Árnyas Pub (Árnyas Söröző), XVI, Mátyás király utca 58 (Mátyás király utca 71.  144 ), +36 30 596-6709. M Su 12:00–22:00, Tu–Th 10:00–22:00, F Sa 10:00–00:00.
  • 31 Fasor Pub (Fasor söröző), XVI, Hősök fasora 63 (Galgahévíz utca  45 ), +36 70 410-8616. M–Sa 10:00–22:00, Su 10:00–21:00.
  • 32 Három Oroszlán Pub (Három Oroszlán Söröző), XVI, Monoki utca 31 (Menyhért utca  31 ), +36 1 792 9570. 14:00–00:00.
  • 33 Kispipa Pub (Kispipa Söröző), XVI, Csömöri út 1 (Rákosszentmihály vasútállomás  92  / Pálya utca  31 ), +36 1 405-6715. M–Th Su 10:00–21:00, F 10:00–22:00, Sa 10:00–23:00.
  • 34 Legenda Brewery Center (Legenda Sörfőzde Center), XVI, Kövirózsa utca 8/c (Lándzsa utca  44 ), +36 30 907-7431, . M–Th 14:00–23:00, F Sa 14:00–02:00, Su 14:00–22:00; Legenda Restaurant: M–Th Su 14:00–22:00, F Sa 14:00–23:45. Craft beer pub with live concerts. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. Entrance fee: 0 Ft2000 Ft, average meal: 1780 Ft, pizza: 1790 Ft.
  • 36 Páfrány Pub (Páfrány Söröző), XVI, Csömöri út 139 (József utca  31 ), +36 70 408-2517, . M–F 10:00–22:00, Sa Su 08:00–23:00.
  • 37 Synthesis Pub (Synthesis Söröző), XVI, Szlovák út 116 (Timur utca  31 ), +36 20 334-4940, . M Su 14:00–22:00, Tu–Th 14:00–00:00, F–Sa 14:00–01:00. Craft brewery.
Lake Naplás

In District XVII:

  • 38 Aranykút Pub (Aranykút Söröző), XVII, Naplás út 23 (Aranykút utca  98 ), +36 70 211-1973. Tu–Th Sa 14:00–22:00, F 14:00–00:00, Su 14:00–20:00.
  • 39 Coffein Cafe, XVII, Zrínyi utca 161 (Nagyszentmiklósi út  161 ), +36 1 259-1635, . W–Sa 17:00–22:00.
  • 40 Estike Pub (Estike Söröző), XVII, Ároktő utca 48 (Ananász utca  276E ), +36 1 259-1267, . M–Th Su 07:00–22:00, F Sa 09:00–00:00.
  • 41 Gödör-be Pub (Gödör-be Söröző), XVII, Szabad május tér 1 (Vörösmarty utca  98 ). 06:00–21:00.
  • 42 Patak Pub (Patak Söröző), XVII, Ferihegyi út 81 (Rákoskeresztúr, városközpont  97E ), . M–Th 10:00–00:00, F–Sa 10:00–02:00, Su 10:00–00:00.
  • 43 Rákosmente Beer House (Rákosmenti Serház), XVII, Ferihegyi út 172 (Széchenyi utca  98 ), +36 50 103-4200, . M–F 12:00–21:00, Sa 10:00–21:00, Su 10:00–18:00.
  • 44 Sorompó Pub (Sorompó étterem és Rock sarok), XVII, Szabadság utca 25 (Rákoshegy vasútállomás  98 ), +36 20 459-2758, . M–Th 10:00–23:00, F Sa 10:00–02:00, Su 10:00–18:00. Lunch menu: 1290 Ft.
  • 45 Újlak Pub (Újlak Söröző), XVII, Újlak utca 7 (Bakancsos utca  97E ), +36 20 322-3744. 07:00–22:00.
  • 46 Vén Betyár Pub (Vén Betyár Söröző), XVII, Pesti út 159 (Szent kereszt tér  97E ), +36 1 951-7429, . M–Th 07:00–22:00, F Sa 07:00–00:00, Su 08:00–22:00.


This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room:
BudgetUnder 15,000 Ft
Mid-range15,000 Ft21,000 Ft
SplurgeOver 21,000 Ft



In District XVI:

  • 1 Art Guesthouse, XVI, Batsányi János utca 28-32 (Margit utca  92  / Sashalom  H8  H9 ), +36 30 378-7412, . Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 2 rooms, 1 apartment. Single room: 9000 Ft, double room: 12,000 Ft.

In District XVII:


Merzse Marsh

In District XVI:

  • 4 Hotel Krisztina, XVI, Veres Péter út 79 (Fuvallat utca  44  / Sashalom  H8  H9 ), +36 1 403-5336, fax: +36 1 403-4737, . Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 12:00. 20 rooms. Double room: 19,430 Ft.
  • 5 Hotel Viki, XVI, Csömöri út 198 (Diófa utca  31 ), +36 1 405-8983. Legenda Viki Pub: M 18:00–22:00, Tu–Th 14:00–23:00, F Sa 14:00–01:00. 35 rooms. Double room: 17,000 Ft.
  • 6 Mátyás Hotel, XVI, Veres Péter út 105-107 (Mátyásföld, repülőtér  H8  H9 ), +36 1 401-1010, . Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 15 rooms. All rooms with american styled kitchen and a/c. Conference room seats 40. Free WIFI, free parking. Single room: 12,800 Ft, double room: 15,400 Ft.



In District XVI:


  • 1 Sashalom 1 Post Office, XVI, Jókai Mór utca 2/b (Mátyásföld, repülőtér  H8  H9 ), +36 1 407-0923, . M–F 08:00–20:00, Sa 08:00–14:00.
  • 2 Rákoskeresztúr 1 Post Office, XVII, Ferihegyi út 93/c (Rákoskeresztúr, városközpont  97E ), +36 1 257-2100, . M–F 08:00–20:00, Sa 08:00–12:00.
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