User:(WT-en) Legis/countries

I have been to 47 countries so far (depending on (WT-en) what exactly you count as a country).

Countries visited by continent
North America Europe Asia Oceania Africa South America
Anguilla Austria China Australia Kenya Trinidad and Tobago
Antigua and Barbuda Belgium Hong Kong Federated States of Micronesia Morocco
Bahamas Cyprus India French Polynesia South Africa
Barbados Czech Republic Japan New Zealand
Bermuda France Macau
British Virgin Islands Germany Malaysia
Canada Italy Philippines
Cayman Islands Jersey Russia
Dominica Netherlands Singapore
Dominican Republic Slovakia Thailand
Netherland Antilles Spain Vietnam
Saint Kitts United Kingdom (Eng, Scot)
Saint Lucia Vatican City
Saint Martin
USA (14 states, plus Guam, Puerto Rico and USVI)

My personal "bucket list" edit

One day I want to go to:

What is a country? edit

For my personal count, I use the Wiktionary definition "A nation state, a political entity asserting ultimate authority over a geographical area". Or put another way: does it issue its own passports? So Bermuda and Anguilla are independent legal states even though they are a dependent territory of the UK, as is St Martin, and Hong Kong and Macau are independent of China. But England and Scotland are not treated as separate from the UK as a whole, nor is Guam or Puerto Rico with respect to the US.