Hector The Hairy Haggis, was just a small wild Hairy Haggis living in the Scottish Highlands. Cold and hungry Hector had got lost, desperately trying to find his family.

It was then that he stumbled across our family. We helped Hector search for his wild haggis family to our despair they could not be found.

Hector asked to come back with the family, he came back and moved to Bathgate, this is where he decided that the best option would be to set up a tour company to go search for more Hairy Haggis, this was how Hairy Haggis Tours of Scotland was born.

Hector new that people coming in search of his fellow Harry Haggis would need to be able to sleep somewhere so Hairy Haggis Glamping was born.

Hector now is one happy Hairy Haggis.