Hello! I am Macnar28, a 23 year old Seattle native and recent college grad. I am currently living in Hyuga City, Japan. I came here half a year ago. I also lived in Osaka for almost 2 months and in Tokyo for 1 year. I am a native English speaker, but am proficient in Japanese as well.

I have been all over Japan, Ireland, and the USA. I have also been to parts of Canada and China. I love traveling though, so once I find the time and money, I plan to travel around Asia.

I am pretty new to this Wiki thing, so any advice is appreciated. I have a lot of knowledge about Japan, but don't know how and where to use it properly yet.

Docent edit

Project:What is a docent?

As a new resident of Hyuga City, I have a lot of knowledge about the area (and Japan as a whole). If you have any questions or need advice, please contact me through my Talk page .

Current Project edit

I am currently trying to bring the Hyuga page here and on wikipedia up to date. After that I may move on to covering more of Kyushu.