This is just a list of some common spelling mistakes in Australian spelling, and a list of UK and US spellings equally used. The purpose of it is to maintain common consistency into articles.

-t/-ed words edit

This list:

  • burned, burnt
  • dreamed, dreamt
  • kneeled, knelt
  • leaped, leapt
  • leaned, leant
  • learned, learnt
  • smelled, smelt
  • spelled, spelt
  • spilled, spilt
  • spoiled, spoilt
  • dove, dived

Most of them are equally used, but there is a general move towards the US form. Some of them such as leant or knelt are rarely used these days, and others will likely follow. However, for the most part, these have little use in a travel guide.

-g/-gue endings edit

Analogue is technically an incorrect spelling, and analog is the correct. Others such as catalog, dialog, or monolog are equally correct and is a legitimate alternate spelling.