Wikivoyage:Database dump

(Redirected from Wikivoyage:Database dumps)

Wikimedia provides database dumps of all of its public wikis. These contain XML text for all articles (with the exception of deleted pages) with past revisions. These do not contain uploaded images.

Dumps for the English-language Wikivoyage are available at
In particular, the wikicode for all current mainspace articles (without past revisions) is this file, it is under 100 MB.
The English-language database was imported to the Wikimedia Foundation servers on Nov 10, 2012. The WMF dump dated 2012-Nov-18 is therefore the first to contain valid data.

Listings data is also available at as CSV, XML, GPX, OBF, SQL.
That makes it easy to integrate Wikivoyage listings in your app/website.

Websites that mirror Wikivoyage for online use are listed at Wikivoyage:List of content re-users.

Current Applications


These mobile packages use data from the Wikivoyage dumps, per their respective authors:

  • Wikivoyage Offline - All travel guides usable without an Internet connection, on Android/iOS/Windows/Mac/Linux.
  • Travegeo Web-based smart trip planner for desktop, tablets and mobile.
  • Outdoorsome An AI powered travel research platform that ranks the top recommendations for things to do in destinations around the world.

Old applications

  • WikiSherpa - Uses Wikivoyage in its mobile app along Wikipedia and OpenStreetMap.

See also
