planning and statistical region of Hungary
Northern Great Plain (Hungarian: Észak-Alföld) is a region in eastern Hungary.
edit- 1 Balmazújváros
- 2 Debrecen – the second largest city in the country
- 3 Hajdúböszörmény
- 4 Hajdúszoboszló
- 5 Jászberény – a small town famous for Lehel's horn
- 6 Karcag
- 7 Nyíregyháza – a medium-sized city with a busy water resort, museum village, and annual autumn festival
- 8 Szolnok – a small city on the banks of the Tisza river
- 9 Törökszentmiklós
Other destinations
edit- 1 Hortobágy National Park — Hungary's largest protected area and the largest semi-natural grassland in Europe
editGet in
editGet around
editMultiple counties
- 1 Lake Tisza (Hungarian: Tisza-tó) (southeastern edge of Heves county, bordered by Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hajdú-Bihar és Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok counties). Also known as Kisköre Reservoir (Hungarian: Kiskörei-víztározó). This is the largest artificial lake in Hungary. Following the reservoir's completion, Hungarians began to flock to the site for holidays, since it compared favorably with the crowded and expensive Lake Balaton, the traditional holiday site. The lake (or reservoir) has a new local ecology with a diversity of birds, plants, and animals.
- 2 Hortobágy National Park - the Puszta (Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park), Hajdu-Bihar, Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok, and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties, partly Heves county. One of the most iconic sight is the Nine-holed Bridge. Traditional T-shaped sweep wells dot the landscape, as well as the occasional mirage of trees shimmering in the reflected heat of the Puszta. - The Hortobágy is Hungary's largest protected area, and the largest semi-natural grassland in Europe. - 'Do list': Eco tours, horse riding, tasting special local cuisine and spirit (pálinka)
- 3 Szatmár-Bereg Protected area (Szatmár-Beregi Tájvédelmi Körzet), The center is located in Fehérgyarmat. Kaszonyi-hill.
- Közép-Tisza Protected area (Közép-Tiszai Tájvédelmi Körzet) (Bács-Kiskun county).
- Hajdúság Protected area.
- Bihari-plain Protected area.
edit- Try some 'Hajdú-Bihar' speciality: 'orjaleves' (Pork meat soup), 'dübbencs' (dill pie filled with cottage cheese), goulash soup (beef, vegetables and potato), pancakes of Hortobágy, 'töltött káposzta' (stuffed cabbage of Debrecen), 'pecsenye' (roast of Hortobágy), and a variety of turkey meat of Hortobágy,
- Shepherd foods: slambuc (a kind of cooked pasta with bacon, potato, pepper), the lamb stew and the cauldron goulash.
edit- peach schnapps of Hajdú-Bihar (barackpálinka)
- dry wines of Great Plain