city in and county sear of Calhoun County, Texas, United States

Port Lavaca is a city on the South Barrier Coast of Texas and is the county seat of Calhoun County.

Main Street

Get in


Get around

  • 1 Halfmoon Reef Lighthouse. A condemned 1858 Matagorda Bay lighthouse has been moved to a location near Texas Highway 35 at the causeway. Halfmoon Reef Lighthouse (Q14710479) on Wikidata Halfmoon Reef Light on Wikipedia





Go next

  • La Salle Memorial, 14 miles south on Texas Highway 316. Pink granite memorial on the site where explorer La Salle landed in Texas in 1685.
  • Corpus Christi
  • Galveston
Routes through Port Lavaca
San Antonio Victoria  N  S  END
Corpus Christi Fulton  S  N  Palacios Houston

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