This is the imported user page of user Kåre Thor Olsen, Kaare on All contributions that this user had made on Wikitravel up until August 2012 were imported. The imported revisions of this contributor are labelled as "(WT-en) Kaare".
Read more about the Migration from Wikitravel.

My name is Kåre Thor Olsen (Kaare) and I'm from Odense in Denmark. In the wiki world I'm mostly active on Wikipedia, but I may drop in here from time to time when I feel like wiki-traveling or when Wikipedia is down.

Please see my home page for more information about who I am and what else I'm up to.

This is the imported user page of a user from pre-Wikimedia Wikivoyage or Wikitravel, who did not opt-in to the transfer of their data. All contributions that this user had made on pre-Wikimedia Wikivoyage or Wikitravel before August 2012 were imported. The imported revisions of this contributor are prefixed with "(WV-en)", or "(WT-en)" respectively.