User:JsfasdF252/Article status stats

StubOutlineUsableInformativeGuideStarUnrankedTotal (line)Total (auto)
   Outline    Usable    Informative    Guide    Star
District 159 od 683 ud 0 id 202 gd 28 sdof 129 hc10721,072
City 12,220 oc 7,974 uc 0 ic 678 gc 27 sc2089920,899
Airport 39 oa 43 ua 0 ia 18 ga 0 sa100100
Park 1,045 op 640 up 0 ip 85 gp 6 sp17761,776
Rural area 401 or 305 ur 0 ir 19 gr 1 sr726726
Dive guide 89 od 120 ud 0 id 95 gd 7 sd311311
Region 2,463 or 703 ur 0 ir 47 gr 1 sr 336 er35503,550
Country 151 oc 57 uc 0 ic 6 gc 1 sc215215
Continent 2 on 5 un 0 in 0 gn 0 sn77
Destinations 16,56910,53001,16972336 A discrepancy exists between this total and the automatic total to the right. If this total is higher than the total to the right, one or more articles lack the {{IsPartOf}} template. If it is lower, one or more articles lack a status evaluation template. To find such articles, see the respective What's missing links in the Standard templates section above.  28,656 28,672 ip
Itinerary 215 oi 222 ui 0 ii 55 gi 5 si497495 it
Travel topics 580 ot 458 ut 0 it 116 gt 2 st1,156 1,155 pt
Events 2 oe 0 ue 0 ie 0 ge 0 se22
Phrasebooks 204 op 54 up 0 ip 45 gp 2 sp305308 pg
Unspecified 6 sb 0 ur 60 ghost articles (help/edit)
Gallery 2 gp2
Disambiguation 2,216 da2,216
Inactive 11 h11
Title/Index 21 ti21
Ghost articles 0 0
Total (column) 6175701126401366802586 A discrepancy exists between this total and the total to the lower right. There may be uncategorized pages, pages missing required templates, or redirect pages which include templates/categories, or the number of ghost articles may need to be recalculated. See the note on ghost articles above right.  32,872 A discrepancy exists between this total and the total below. There may be uncategorized pages, pages missing required templates, or redirect pages which include templates/categories, or the number of ghost articles may need to be recalculated. See the note on ghost articles above right.  32,872
Total (auto) 617,57011,26301,366802586 A discrepancy exists between this total and the total to the right. There may be uncategorized pages, pages missing required templates, or redirect pages which include templates/categories, or the number of ghost articles may need to be recalculated. See the note on ghost articles above right.  32,871 32,887