Hello, Davidgelman! Welcome to Wikivoyage.

To help get you started contributing, we've created a tips for new contributors page, full of helpful links about policies and guidelines and style, as well as some important information on copyleft and basic stuff like how to edit a page. If you need help, check out Project:Help, or post a message in the travellers' pub.

Wikivoyage is not, and should not, be guided by the whims nor bread and butter of business owners. Rather, Wikivoyage was founded and is still run to serve as a place for travellers to share information for the road per our goals and non-goals. Indeed, if your livelyhood depends on a listing on Wikivoyage, maybe its your business plan, rather than our policies, that needs a review.

In any case, the correct approach is to look at our tour policy, and argue for your business' inclusion on the Hoi An talkpage on that basis, rather than to engage in an edit war. Besides the current removals clearly has merits on your touty language alone; and would have been removed by anyone of our editors. --(WT-en) Stefan (sertmann) talk 04:52, 16 May 2010 (EDT)

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