Hello, Ravi! Welcome to Wikivoyage. Please take a sec to look at our copyleft and policies and guidelines, but feel free to plunge forward and edit some pages. Scanning the Manual of style, especially the article templates, can give you a good idea of how we like articles formatted. If you need help, check out Project:Help, and if you need some info not on there, post a message in the travellers' pub. I look forward to seeing your further input on Montreal, California, and India. -- (WT-en) Evan 22:04, 17 Nov 2003 (PST)

Hey, Evan! Thanks for the welcome. :) Times have been a-busy, and keeping me from working on WikiTravel as much as I would have liked. I think this is a fantastic idea, and I look forward to contributing more to the project! -- (WT-en) Ravi 12.29, 07 Mar 2004 (EST)
I forgot to ask: do you hang out with McLUG or MLUG at all? Good groups. I want to do a Wikivoyage meetup in MTL soon; if you're interested, check out http://wikivoyage.meetup.com. --(WT-en) Evan 13:04, 7 Mar 2004 (EST)
Yup, I've been on the McLUG mailing list since inception. Haven't found the time to be a part of the installfest etc. and MLUG's timings are inconvenient for me. Also, I don't speak any french, and MLUG seems to be too francophone for my comprehension. Good groups, great people though, yes. I went to Sherbrooke for an installfest thingie and ended up being useless because someone wanted me to trouble shoot mandrake-fr ... And yes, WikiTravel meetup sounds good! I'll sign up shortly ... --(WT-en) Ravi 16.57, 10 Mar 2004 (EST)
This is so off-wikivoyage-topic, but are you going to the McLUG keysigning at Thompson House on Friday? If three of us were there it would almost qualify as a Wikivoyage meet-up... (WT-en) Majnoona 19:35, 10 Mar 2004 (EST)
I don't have details? What time/Where exactly? I'm in classes from 4 PM upwards, but I'm available all morning/afternoon. I'm also available for drinks/food etc. Email works best. I am at: mail [at] ravirao [dot] net. --(WT-en) ravi 16.25, 11 Mar 2004 (EST)
It's sorta fizzled out into a meeting/planning session, but I'm going to stop by around 4:30-5ish just to meet people. The folks in my department are all M$ using Luddities so I'd love to meet some geeks! Hope to see you there. (WT-en) Majnoona 11:17, 12 Mar 2004 (EST)

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