Hello! Welcome to Wikivoyage. Thanks for plunging forward so far. If you're going to continue working on Wikivoyage, you may find the tips for new contributors helpful.

You should also make sure you understand our copyleft and policies and guidelines. Scanning the Manual of style, especially the article templates, can give you a good idea of how we like articles formatted.

If you need help, check out Project:Help, and if you need some info not on there, post a message in the travellers' pub or on the talk page for the most appropriate article. --(WT-en) Evan 17:21, 7 Jul 2005 (EDT)



Consider entering this logo in our competition. I'm sure it will make a huge impact, and go down, er, like the twin towers did on the eleventh day of September 2001. You don't by any chance have links to Al Qaeda, do you? -- (WT-en) Huttite 06:16, 8 Jul 2005 (EDT)