Wikivoyage:Wales Expedition

Wales (3 C, 3 P)
Mid Wales (2 C, 3 P)
North Wales (4 C, 5 P)
South Wales (4 C, 4 P)

The Wales Expedition is a Wikivoyage Expedition to promote and coordinate collaboration to improve Wikivoyage's articles pertaining to Wales. If you'd like to join the effort, please add your signature to the bottom of the page!

Article statistics for Wales


Note that numbers in the tables are not dynamically calculated and must be manually updated. Last updated on 6 July 2021.

Click on number to get an updated list of pages by status. (Note sometime the link just sits there, usually due to the database updating, come back in 10 minutes.)

Articles by status in Wales
OutlineUsableGuideStarUnrankedTotal (line)
District 0 0 0 0 0
City 0 165 4 0 172
Airport 0 0 0 0 0
Park 0 5 1 0 6
Dive guide 0 0 0 0 0
Rural area 0 0 0 0 0
Region 0 13 0 0 1 14
Total 0 181 5 0 1 192

Articles needing a little work to get to usable.
Outline citiessleepeatseedocheck
needs only 0 0 0 0 0
has no 0 0 0 0 0

Remember a reasonable Get in section, as well as listings, is needed to make usable.




Key destinations that should be guides but still needs some more content and work done on them.

  • -

Other candidates that could with just a little effort be guide status:

  • -

Current articles under discussion and work in progress


Articles that are currently being worked on or under discussion such as merge or delete. Or articles you wish to bring to other attention.

Discussions should take place on the talk page of the article, this is just to highlight activity.

  • Tywyn is at guide status but needs some updating, adding of geo coords and removing of duplicate references.
  • Wrexham listings need checking and expanding.
  • Swansea listings need checking.
  • Bridgend listings need checking.

Articles needed


Article ideas and requests

  • -

Other tasks


Useful Resources



  • 20 Aug 2016 - all city articles have at least one listing.
  • 14 Sept 2016 - all city articles have at least one sleep listing.
  • 10 Oct 2016 - less than half the articles now at outline
  • 17 Oct 2016 - all city articles have a least one see listing.
  • 20 Nov 2016 - all city articles have a least one eat listing.
  • 4 Dec 2016 - all articles at least usable !!!

Expedition members
