Please would someone peer review the Wernigerode article and let me know what is now essential to get it to guide standard. Many thanks in advance. --(WT-en) SaxonWarrior 11:44, 21 January 2012 (EST)

I've upgraded it to usable from outline. For guide status, the See, Do, Buy, Eat, Drink, and Sleep sections need summaries, and the listings need actual prices. Drink listings need descriptions, and I'd also like to see the Sleep listings fleshed out more. Museums should be in "See" rather than "Do". (WT-en) LtPowers 13:01, 21 January 2012 (EST)
Thanks. I'll get to work. --(WT-en) SaxonWarrior 03:32, 22 January 2012 (EST)

Wernigerode "Buy" section and the future of Dotm generally edit

Swept in from the pub

Hi, everyone. Do any of you know Wernigerode or feel like doing some web research on stores there? The article has been nominated for an Off the Beaten Path feature on the front page. It's a very good article, but the "Buy" section is a bit thin. Any help, especially from people who know the town, would be a good service to the site.

And while you're at it, have a look at Wikivoyage talk:Destination of the month candidates#We're in real trouble. Destination of the Month/Off the Beaten Path/Featured Travel Topic are the shop window of this site, where people who've stumbled in here or arrived at the front page intentionally can be attracted, but choosing good articles for that shop window and getting them shipshape for presentation to online passersby are labor-intensive tasks. All of us have lives offline, but if more of us pitched in a little work every month or even every other month, that would improve things greatly.

If you think this site is valuable and enjoy the front-page features, please consider devoting a little of your Wikivoyage editing time to Dotm every month. Ikan Kekek (talk) 19:46, 4 May 2017 (UTC)Reply

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