This page is for discussing the corresponding article or guide. For questions, comments, or personal stories about this destination or topic, visit Wikivoyage Extra. For more about using talk pages check out Project:Using talk pages.



Hello, 80pr00f! Welcome to Wikivoyage.

To help get you started contributing, we've created a tips for new contributors page, full of helpful links about policies and guidelines and style, as well as some important information on copyleft and basic stuff like how to edit a page. If you need help, check out Project:Help, or post a message in the travellers' pub.

Your contribution of Watch Hill is interesting .... If you are doing this as an educational project, please be aware that we may want to merge your contribution back into a city destination, if that article is not sufficiently large to justify having separate districts. Feel free to continue, just be aware that what you contribute may migrate somewhere else.

If you want to explain what you are doing please (WT-en) introduce yourself or discuss your project. - (WT-en) Huttite 08:26, 25 February 2009 (EST)

