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I am not the BT Central vandal (Solved) edit

Swept in from the pub

Hi I created my first page: Perranporth in Cornwall UK, just a couple of days ago. I was just experimenting, so I copied a section from the existing St Ives page, and just started typing.

Today, back from holiday, I go to my rough draft page for Perranporth, and fill out a bit more detail, delete the St Ives text then try to publish.

Dang, I get autoidentified as vandalising my own page. Its not obvious what I can do now to prove my innocence, publish my edits, etc.

Any clues???

Actually I just needed to create an account and login. Aliks29 15:14, 17 October 2020‎ (UTC)Reply

Good. Welcome. These "edit filters" are rough. They catch some editing patterns typical for certain vandals, but can match unrelated innocent edits. Glad you got around it. (We try to check for false positives and take measures as needed, but we might miss some, and this is manual work that in no way is instant.) –LPfi (talk) 06:22, 19 October 2020 (UTC)Reply