Hello, Nicklarzn! Welcome to Wikivoyage.

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Nice start --Traveler100 (talk) 17:50, 23 December 2019 (UTC)Reply


Hi. I'm sorry to get in the way of your helpful efforts. However, site guidelines generally don't allow inline links to Wikipedia. Please have a look at Wikivoyage:Links to Wikipedia. There have been various discussions about allowing more links to Wikipedia, and things have opened up some, but not that much. You could always renew the discussion at Wikivoyage talk:Links to Wikipedia if you like.

All the best,

Ikan Kekek (talk) 07:58, 10 January 2020 (UTC)Reply

Br codes


Hi. Thanks again for all your work! However, I don't understand why you are using br codes the way you did here. The only case I can think of when such codes may be needed is when a hard return is needed within the "content" section of a listing. In normal text, the Enter key can be used, and I don't understand why you think you should skip a line at the beginning of "content" in listings instead of just typing starting immediately to the right of the equals sign. So all of this confused me and I eliminated the br codes from that article and made a few more edits, but please carry on adding content and making updates.

All the best,

Ikan Kekek (talk) 19:36, 7 December 2022 (UTC)Reply